Chapter 10 - Thinking about each other ❤❤

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In evening,

With Avneet,

She was sleeping when her mother came to woke her up.

Sonia - Avu, wake up.

Avu - Yes mom. You go I am coming.

Sonia - Ok but don't sleep again.

Avu -Yes mom.

She got up and went to wash her face.

(This is me when my mom wakes me up. The only difference is that I dont get up. 😂😂😂😂 I sleep again. This happens atleast 3 times when I am asleep. My mom is very frustrated from me. 😂😂😅😅)

She went out of her room and saw her father sitting on sofa. She smiled and went towards him and hugged him tightly.

Avu - When did you came?

Aman - Just 10 mins ago. How was your day princess?

He asked kissing her forehead.

Avu - Amazing dad.

They started talking.

At night, they all had dinner and went to sleep.

Meanwhile with Siddharth,

After having lunch he too rested for sometime. At night, Abhi and Vaish came back from their office. Sid saw them and greeted them. They were talking normally. But suddenly Abhishek remembered something.

Abhi - Sid please give me your phone for a minute. I need to make a call. I am not able to find my phone.

(Again phone. Author is obsessed with phone😂😂😂. After suddenly I usually write that they got a phone call.😂😂😂😂)

Sid - Bhai, vo my phone got broke.

Abhi - What? But it was new.

Sid - Its not my fault. Its that mad girl's fault.

(Me - You call her mad girl and she calls you by any bad adjective and bandar. Wow 😂😂😂😂

Sid - You have only written that. I don't blame her.

Me - Awww. 😏😏😏

Sid - Shut up. Focus on your story. Readers don't like interruptions again and again.

Me - Ok sorry.😅😅)

Vaish - Which girl?

Sid told them the entire incident. They both stared at each other and broke into laughter.😂😂😂

Vaish - Bandar. Wow. Interesting.

Sid - Bhabhi you are supporting that Nakchadi.

Vaish - I can't help it was too funny. I would love to meet her.

Abhi - Sid it was your fault. You were absentmindedly walking not her and is this the way to talk to a girl by calling her middle class girl. You will apologize to her tomorrow.

Sid - But bhai..

Vaish (interrupting) - Nothing. Say sorry to her tomorrow and that's final. Ok?

Sid (grumpily) - Ok.

They had dinner and went to sleep.

Sid was thinking about Avu whereas Avu was also thinking about him.

Sid was thinking whether he should apologize or not. He decided that he will see tomorrow in college only. He started thinking how beautiful she was looking. Her eyes were captivating him. He was completely lost in her eyes. The way she closed her eyes everything was so cute. Her red cheeks due to anger were looking soooo cute. She was looking too hot when she was angry. She was difference from everyone. She called him Bandar. He chuckled on that as he never thought that there can be even such a girl who would call him Bandar. Suddenly,

Dont worry call nahi aaya 😂😂

He came back to senses and was thinking that how he found that Nakchadi cute.

Sid - What was I thinking? Nakchadi and cute ewww. I will get mad. I should sleep only.

He slept thinking about her.

Meanwhile with Avu,

She was thinking how much idiot exactly that guy was. He was sooo obsessed with his phone. Thinking that she started laughing. Plus his reaction when she called him Bandar made her laugh even more. A thought strike her mind. He is sooo hot and handsome. His hazel eyes were like a magic for her. She was lost in him. His hands on her waist gave her goosebumps. She was thinking all this when she remembered what he called her "middle class girl."

Avu - Why I was thinking about him like that? He is just ewww. Usually I don't care when anyone calls me middle class girl but when he said why I felt bad. I didn't react so that he doesn't think me as weak but I felt very bad. Why am I even thinking about him? I should sleep. I have to go to college tomorrow. Btw college with Aarav will be fun. We will cherish our memories.

She too slept thinking about Sid.

She too slept thinking about Sid

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Sorry for a boring chapter.

Aarav will come to pick Avu up. So it will have an Aarneet scene. I always give a warning because I don't want to get killed.

Btw my only last exam is left. Soo nacho. 💃🏻💃🏻

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See you soon.

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