Chapter 70 - THE END

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Don't cry after this chapter. Let's save it for thanking note💖🤧 please. Enjoy the chapter.

Avneet's POV

I am so so so so happy to see Aaru back. I can't even tell how much happy I am seeing him. It's the same happiness which I got after seeing di.

This moment is as much nostalgic as it is enjoyable.

I met him after a gap of almost 5 years. It was just amazing and I cannot express the joy. I am so emotional right now and every single memory spent with him is flashing infront of my eyes.

He suddenly showed me something. It was the same key chain I gifted him. I smiled brightly at him. He really took great care of it. There was not even a scratch on the keychain. Our cute reunion was disturbed by Sid who entered and hugged him.

Sid - Bro I am really very happy to see you. I was really longing to meet you and seeing you after years is a joy that cannot be expressed in words. I missed you. I missed my Bro who was always there for me and with me. This surprise was the best. And this is the best wedding gift I would have got. Our happiness was incomplete without you. Thank you! Thank you so much for coming.

Aarav - I missed you too Buddy. You are my Buddy ofcourse. How can I not miss you? Buddies mean life long besties, partners of happy and sad times. How could I not come in your wedding? Why the heck are you saying me thank you for coming at your wedding?

I smiled at the duo.

Reem - Yaar this is wrong. You people always forget me. This is not fair.

Aarav - I can never forget this sister of mine. And you helped me a lot in this surprise ofcourse.

Sid (shocked) - Means she knew?

Aaru nodded. I laughed.

Sid glared her. She showed him tongue and hugged me. The hug was then joined by Aaru and Sid. I am feeling soo happy and satisfied now. My life's all important people are now with me and around me - my family, di, Sid, Aaru, Reem, Sid's family, everyone.

Now I am happy from heart and there's nothing incomplete in it. When life blesses you such good friends and a good soulmate what else do you need? I am very happy with my life. Thank you so much god for blessing me with so much happiness and these people who bring happiness in my life. And I am really sorry whenever I blamed you for someone leaving me. I understood that whatever happens, happens for a reason and that is good only for us.

We broke the hug and descended from the stage. I made Aaru meet di and Jiju too. Everyone met him and then the performances continued. Everyone performed one by one.

Abhinavi performed on this.

Di and Jiju performed on this.

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