Chapter 60 - Her Decision

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You completed the target so fast wow. I should have demanded more 😂😂. Ok sorry so as you all completed the target I am posting next chapter. Thank you everyone btw 💜.

Target for next chapter - 70+ votes on this chapter and Chapter 58 and Chapter 59 as well. Will not update till they are completed. 😌

Aarav's POV

And there goes a final stab. Can my heart break more? I don't think so. Well everytime I think so but my heart breaks more and more. Buddy proposed Avu. This had to happen one day and so it happened today. Just if he could have warned me once then it would have been great as I would have prepared myself.

I was not having a lecture but all my friends had free so I decided to bunk. I met Reem on the way and we moved towards the canteen. We saw crowd gathered in the garden. We went close and saw Buddy proposing Avu. And this sight broke me completely. My face turned pale and flushed with tears as I couldn't control them. I couldn't see it anymore. So I left without hearing Avu's reply afterall what else can be her reply other than yes. She loves him and she accepted that infront of me only.

I came back to home and broke down cursing my fate. My knees gave up and I fell onto the floor crying badly. The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else. Seeing your love in someone else's arms can break you to such an extent that you don't even realise.

What makes you light is confession. If you confess your love, you feel light and less burdened. But in my case it's completely different. I know she can even leave Buddy for me. But how can I let this happen? None of us will be happy this way. And I want her happiness which is with Buddy only.

I'm not sure what scares me more, that she will never start loving me, or that I will never stop loving her. I started talking to myself as I am all lonely.

Aarav (crying) - Why am I crying now? I knew this was going to happen and now when this is happening I am crying? I should be happy seeing my love happy but my broken self isn't letting me to. I knew this was my fate but it hurts more when it turns into reality. Everytime I will see them together, it will break me. Sometimes I just wish to die.

I poured my heart to the walls. I have no one else to look after me. I know I have amazing friends but in this no one can help me.

Avu - If you thought about dieing once again then remember that I am gonna do the same.

I got shocked and looked back to find Avu. Did she hear everything? No she wasn't supposed to. She was also crying. Ohh shit. Nooo. She came near me and sat till my level.

Aarav - what.. doing here? You didn't hear anything na?

I mentality prayed to god that she didn't hear but.

Avu (tears flowing continuosly from her eyes) - I heard everything and I know very well that you love me Aaru, more than a friend. Why didn't you tell me before? You thought that if you will not tell, I'll not get to know?

I got shocked. Tears started flowing again from my eyes as I looked at her. She knows I love her but she wasn't supposed to. Everything's become a mess because of me.

Avu - I felt many times before only that you love me but seeing you cry when Sid proposed me made me confirmed about it. You think I'll not see you. But I did. I didn't accept Sid's proposal. I asked for time as I wanted to talk to you.

What why? Like I was more than shocked. Couldn't I just control myself? I spoiled Buddy and Avu's happiness. I came in between them when I never wanted to. But life doesn't give you all you wish for. And I toh don't get anything I wish for.

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