Chapter 29 - Jealous 😉?

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Hey peeps 👀👀

Ok so guys my weirdie, maddie, crazy and lovely bestie has started a book. Guys please please check out rajvi_29's story. Strange love. Its my request. Pleaseeee.❤❤ Link is posted on my feed. You can check from there. Go spam there as she does in all of yours stories😂😂😂.

I didn't update yesterday as I was very busy. I had so many assignments to complete. I am finally done with them.

Ok so I am done with my bakwas let's start.

Sidneet while going inside.

Sid - You are looking so hot and beautiful.

Avu - Thanks. You are also looking handsome.

Sid - Thanks. Vaise toh I complimented you with Bro only but I had to do individually as well because you are looking smoking hot.

He said winking at her.😉😉

Avu - Hmm. You are trying on me?

Sid - Siddharth Nigam don't try on anyone. Girls came running to me.

Avu - Uff. You and your self obsession.

She said and went. Sid chuckled and went.

Reem - What took you both so long?

Avu - Nothing we were just talking.

Reem - Sure. Just talking.

Avu - What else will we do?

Reem - Nothing. Forget it.

Sid - Where to go first? Dance?

Reem - Yesssssssss I am going to dance. If you want to join come. Byeeee

She went in the speed of a horse 🐎😂😂😂😂😂😂.

Avu - This girl. Sid you please go with her. She gets mad in over excitement.

Sid - Ya I know. I will go handle her excitement.

He said chuckling. He went after her.

Avu - I also wanna dance. Come na Aaru.

Aaru - You know na me and dance are best of enemies. 😂😂

Avu - Comeon na. Pleaseeeeee.

She made a puppy face.

Aaru - Ugghh. Okay, come.

They too went on the dance floor and started dancing.

With Sidreem,

Sid went to Reem.

Sid - Can't you calm down for once Reem?

Reem - Comeon I was excited to dance. Now let's danceeeeeee.

Sid - You are complete crazy. Chal.

They both were also dancing.

Sid saw Aarneet dancing very closely. He felt something weird. He was feeling angry.

Sid (in mind) - What's the need to dance so close. They should maintain some distance. Huh. But why should I care?

Reem saw Sid looking at something behind so she turned and saw Aarav and Avneet dancing so close. She smirked seeing Sid's expression and decided to play a bit with him.

Reem - They look good together. Haina?

Sid - Who?

Reem - Arre who else? Aarav and Avneet.

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