Chapter 35 - One Sided Love

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Most important chapter of the book and very close to my heart as well.

I hope I will be able to express Aarav's feelings. I need everyone to comment as this chapter has my heart.😢❤ One more request please don't laugh in this chapter. It will really hurt me.

Let's start,

Aarav's POV

I had some project which was left and I needed to complete and submit it by today. So I had told Buddy that I will be late and also that I had to tell him something important. Well that something important is nothing else than telling him that I love Avu. I wonder how will he react.

Anyhow I completed my project and came to submit it in college. When I came it was almost the end of the first period. I submitted my project to the teacher and left to the canteen as the second period had already started so it was of no use to go to the lecture in between the period. I was passing by the music room when I heard someone singing. It was Buddy so I thought to see him from the door without disturbing him.

(You all were right 😢😢😢)

I peeped in as I saw Buddy singing as well as dancing with Avu. That too romantic dance. I felt a prick in my heart seeing them dancing too close and it looked like they were lost in each other. The song ended but still Avu and Buddy were in same position completely lost in each other. I stared at the scene in front of my eyes as tears made their way through my eyes. My eyes were watery and I tried my best to not to cry in the college.

They were still lost in each other. I saw Buddy coming back to senses and smirking but Avu was still lost in..... him. Buddy kissed her cheek and Avu came back to senses. I saw her blushing. I couldn't control anymore as tears started to flow through my eyes. I saw Avu moving towards him but she slipped and fell on Buddy. It was sudden so he too fell down and their lips touched. I couldn't see anymore as I left the corridor and wiped my tears and controlling those who were ready to come out. I went and sat in my car and drove off to my house. Not even a single tear leaked out in the way. I reached home and went inside my room. I fell onto my knees and started crying badly.

Aarav - Again... ..... happened... Don't I deserve to be loved?

I asked myself in between crying.

I never got both parents love from childhood. My mother and father has many grudges. They always keep on fighting with each other. It always disturbed me since childhood. My father and mother are always busy in their work. They never really took out time for me. My mother though tried her best to be with me and make me feel loved. But my father somehow or the other controlled her. He never gave me fatherly love. Infact mostly the reason of their fight was me. It hurts. I had everything since childhood except love for which I craved the most.

My all friends were always with me for my father's money. I had never had someone until Avu came in my life. I had a different attachment with her since childhood. But it wasn't that strong. The day we met again I felt an unknown amount of happiness. Since that day she became even more close to me. I felt different with her. Like my mind always find my way back to her. I was not able to understand anything happening with me until yesterday when I realised that I love her. I was very happy. I expected that maybe now I can get love.

But no my destiny cannot see me happy. The very next day I got to know that the one I love loves someone else. But it was better I got to know right now or it would have hurt even more than now. I somehow calmed down till now. But I wasn't able to understand that what should I do now? I don't feel like smiling and living anymore. I closed my eyes.

Do you love her?

My subconscious mind asked.

Of course yes.

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