Chapter 23 - You never know

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Vaish - Aww I know the pain of being separate from your siblings. I also missed my brother but Sid never made me feel like he is not my brother. You call me di na then consider me your di as well. Whenever you feel you miss them or you want to share anything just give me a call. Consider me your own sister.

Abhi - Ha Avni. I am also your brother. Whenever you miss them come to us. Never feel lonely. Ok? Whats the use of calling me bhai when you don't consider.

Avneet had tears in her eyes listening to all this. She went and hugged them. They hugged her back.

Avu - Thank you so much bhai and di. I love you guys a lot. Thank you so much for making me feel like I am with my siblings. I promise whenever I will miss them I will come to you.

Vaish - How many times you will say thanks? First of all you are calling me di then you are also saying thanks.

(priyaxsidneet di remebered something? Love you sooo much. 😘😘😘)

Avu - Ok no thanks no sorry.

Abhinavi - Yes

They again hugged.

Sid was smiling seeing this. He suddenly said.

Sid (wiping fake tears off) - Great you guys got her and forgot me.

Abhi - Shut up chote and come here.

He too joined them and they did a group hug.

(Soooo cute😍😍😍)

They all broke the hug.

Avu - You guys tell your love story na. I wanna listen.

Abhi - Ok. Me and Vaish met in college and we knew each other but never talked. I had crush on her. One day her best friend proposed me and I rejected her politely saying that I like someone else. She went from their angrily. She somehow got to know that I liked Vaish. She got very jealous of her and wanted revenge from me.

Vaish - So she came to me and said that she proposed Abhi and Abhi not only rejected her but insulted her infront of everyone by calling her slut, bitch and what not. I got very angry on him and directly went and slapped him infront of whole college and said shit to him. He got very hurt and went from there. Then a girl came and told me the truth but I was not able to believe that my best friend was lieing so I asked her what proof she had. She took me to few students who had seen that incident and asked them and all of them said that he politely denied. I was very guilty for what I did. First of all I broke my friendship with her. Then I apologized to Abhi infront of whole college.

Listening the last line Avu started coughing you all know why. 😏😏😏😏

Vaish - What happened Avu?

Avu - Nothing di.

She whispered in Sid's ear.

Avu - Don't you think Vaish di deserves copyright? 😂😂

Sid rolled her eyes. She chuckled.

Abhi - Whats going on?

Sidneet - Nothing. You continue.

Abhi - So I melted after that. We became very good friends and eventually fell in love. And here we are happy with each other.

Avu - Your story was too cute bhai and di.

Vaish - Soon we will be saying this to you and Sid. You never know.

She said smirking.

Sidneet - What the hell. Love with this bandar/nakchadi ewww.

Abhi - Everyone says like that. But they end up together.

He replied smirking.

Sidneet - Impossible.

Abhinavi - We'll see.

Just then their parents called them. They went in the hall.

Sonia - I assume you all bonded very well.

All - Of course. We loved each other's company.

Vibha - It's very good beta. Let's go we have to leave.

Avu - But aunty why so early? Wait for some more time.

Vibha - Beta it's already late and we have to reach as well so we have to go.

Avu (unwillingly) - Ok aunty.

She went towards Abhinavi and hugged them.

Avu - I will miss you both.

Abhinavi - We will too. Just give us a call.

They exchanged their numbers.

After that they all bid byed each other and went to their home.

Sorry for short chapter

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Sorry for short chapter.

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Also, thank you soooo much for 6.01K reads and 1.17K votes. It means a lot. And also my book is on #1 in #bestfriendsforever. Also thank you very much for 55 followers. Love you all very much. ❤❤😘😘😘

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