Chapter 15 - His story

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Reem - Even I am lucky to have you guys as my friends.

She went and hugged both of them. They hugged her back. They broke the hug after a minute.

Reem - Avu, trust me Sid isn't bad. He is arrogant but he is not the one who will go around bullying people. He hates bullying. He himself has been bullied. He would never do something like that with no reason. Don't think that I am supporting him. I am just saying that something must have happened with him that's why he reacted that way. Still that doesn't give him rights to say anything he wants. I too came after shouting on him. But don't hate him. He's not bad. He is just stupid and don't cry for a stupid.

Avu - Hmm, anyways I don't care whatever he says now. I just can't tolerate him now so now onwards I won't be sitting on the same table as him for having lunch.

Reem - Avu, comeon don't be childish. Leave it. Tell me why were you in so much hurry?

Avu - Woh I wanted to tell you something. It was bothering me a lot.

Reem - Then say.

Before Avu could say anything, Aarav interrupted her.

Aaru - Sorry for interrupting. I will leave you guys alone.

Avu - But...

Aaru - No actually I have my class. And you make sure that you both eat something.

Avu - Ya bye.

He left leaving both of them alone.

Avu - He's so caring. I never had a friend like him.

Reem - Ya he is really very sweet. Anyways you tell what happened.

Avu - .......

(Hehe sorry guys will tell in next chapter.)

Meanwhile with Siddharth,

He was numb after Avneet's burst out. He couldn't think or say someything. He was totally numb. He just heard Aarav and Reem shouting at him which he assumed to be related to Avneet only.

He stood still on the spot. After few minutes, he came back from his trance. He realised what all he said to her. He had hurt her so much that the bold fierce Avneet was crying because of him. He was angry as he had a fight with a random boy in college. It was not any random fight. He was hurt due to that.


Sid was going to canteen when a random boy blocked his way. Sid looked at him.

Sid - Why are you standing in my way. Please leave. I have to go.

He said politely which is very strange but he was in a good mood.

RB - You consider yourself a hero or what. Since the time you came everyone in the college is talking about you only. I was the most popular boy here before you came.

Sid - See its not my fault that I am so hot and handsome that everyone is talking about me. Secondly, I think after I came they got some sense in their brains. They were considering you the most popular boy. I don't even know your name.

RB - You better stay in limit or you will regret mamma's boy. You fatherless asshole.

His blood boiled listening this. He held his collar and said.

Sid (furiously) - How dare you say something about my mom and my father? You asshole 😡😡

RB - Mamma's boy got angry. You son of a bitch. You are so proud of your money. You don't even know how your mother got that. Afterall she is a woman only.

(Comment down if you understood what he meant to say.)

He couldn't control anymore and punched that boy so hard that blood started flowing from his mouth.


And he again punched him as he was so furious. That random boy folded his hands and said.

RB - I am sorry for whatever I said please leave me.

Sid - I am leaving you today. Don't you dare say it again I won't leave next time.

With that he walked away fuming with anger. He was very hurt by his words. As he came in the canteen Avneet bumped into him and he took all his anger on her not realising what he is saying.

Flashback over.

He was not at all rich in his childhood. Infact when his father died his family was barely surviving but his mother always had positivity in his mind which lead her to successfully establish The Nigam Empire. She is really a brave woman. Siddharth loves his mother the most and that stupid guy said ill about his mother. He couldn't tolerate that.
He had always been bullied in school. Everyone used to call him a fatherless child. He was not at all arrogant but this all changed him. He thought that everyone is insensitive and there is no point to be polite with everyone.

He never wanted to hurt Avneet. He didn't agree but Avneet has a special place in his heart. He felt incomplete without fighting with her. He knew she was never an attention seeker. It was just the heat of the moment that he said all that nonsense. He couldn't help but feel guilty.

But one thing he was determined to do so that was to apologise to Avneet. This time he definitely will. He will do anything to make her forgive him. But not today as he need to make himself stable at first of all and give time to Avneet to calm down. She will probably kill him if he went in front of her today.

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How was the chapter?

Now how do you feel after listening to his story?

It was just the heat of the moment. He never did it intentionally. But I would like to say think before speaking. Sometimes you don't realise how your words have hurt a person. You never do intentionally but you end up hurting that person badly. Saying on personal experience.

How will Sid ask his apology?

Will Avu accept?

What will happen between Sid and Aarav?

I had many reasons for giving double update today. Lets list them.😂😂

1) My exams got over. I am very happy.

2) The book has hit 3.24K reads, 664 views and #2 in #bestfriendsforever. Thank you soo much.❤

3) I got very nice response from last chapter. I never knew I write so well. Thank you so much guys.🙏🙏🙏

4) I updated for my wierdest besties harispanicker and rajvi_29. Still love you both. priyaxsidneet di also asked me so I updated. Love you di. ❤❤❤

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Love you all.❤❤


See you soon.

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