Chapter 59 - Heartbreaks 💔💔.

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Trying to be regular 😅. Anyways as promised double update.

This is gonna be a long ass chapter. Buckle your belts for many heartbreaks 💔💔. It is the most heartbreaking chapter in the book as all the three hearts will break. There will be frequent change of POVs. Tell your reviews in last if I was able to portray the feelings or not.

Some dialogues are repeated in this chapter as well as in next because I want to show every person's emotions at that particular dialogue.

Avneet's POV

I was beyond shocked and happy when Sid proposed me. He loves me back. The love of my life loves me back. Ahhhhh this feeling is beyond world. I couldn't be happy anymore. He loves me so much. His words brought tears in my eyes. I love him too a lot. He spoke so much and I could see the genuineness in his eyes. It was like I could scan his soul and there was love and only love for me. He forwarded his hand and I was ofcourse about to keep my hand on his. But suddenly my eyes caught something or rather someone in crowd. He was Aarav, at the back. Seeing his face my happiness faded because I got the biggest shock of my life which I never wanted to happen. My fear came true. From past few days this thing is bothering me but I always ignored it but now--.

He was standing there crying. His eyes were filled with tears and tears were flowing continuosly from his eyes. He was standing at last but I was able to see him properly. This made me sure that my inner feeling is not wrong. The girl with whom he is madly in love is none other than me. He l.....ove..s me. I got a reality check. Because true love cannot be hidden for long. I can see an unknown emotion in his eyes whenever I talk to him, whenever he sees me. So that unknown emotion is love. He knew he loved me still he helped me understand my feelings for Sid. How can he be so selfless? Doesn't it hurt him? His words were ringing in my ears.

"What's so special today?" "You are special."

"Avu sometimes we have to let go the ones whom you love the most for their happiness."

" Nothing is more important for me than you Avu."

"I can never be Romeo because Juliet loved her Romeo but I can never get my love's love."

These words were ringing again and again in my ears. I closed my eyes and recollected all the moments I spent with Aarav. I remembered how many times I caught him staring at me.  I understood how much he loves me but I love...................Sid?!

Why didn't I realise before? My mind became blank. I wasn't able to decide whom should I choose. One heart will break for sure today. But I can't let any of them break. What should I do? Sid's words brought me back to present situation.

Sid - Avu please answer.

I looked at him with tears. Sid what should I answer you? My whole brain and heart has become a mess. I don't know what to answer. I don't know whome to choose. I need to talk to Aarav. I am sorry Sid. I am really very sorry. I thought as a tear leaked from my eyes. I stepped back and Sid looked shocked. I am sure he didn't expect it. He stood up quickly. I am feeling so guilty at the moment but I can't help it.

Avu (in tears) - I am sorry Sid. I am umm-  very confused. I am really very sorry Siddharth. But I need time. I am not saying no but I am not even saying yes. I don't know what I want in my life. I am a mess right now. I need time to clear my mind. Wait for me Sid. Can you?

He was also in tears by now. I am very sorry Sid. I love you a lot. But I can't just let Aarav be heartbroken. I love him too but only as a best friend. I can't see him heart broken when I am with you. We both shared a painful eye lock. He finally spoke up.

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