Chapter 18 - Apologies

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loveusidneet. You will see in this chapter how your guesses will become true. Truly a genius I must say. 😂😂😂

Happy birthday Tanu tanvi__0510. Love u a lot girl. ❤❤❤❤❤

Skips to next day in morning.

Everyone reached college. They went to their classes. Aarav saw Siddharth but he ignored him. Siddharth felt bad but he knew that he was at fault. After the class got finished Aarav ran out of the class before Siddharth can approach him. Siddharth sighed. First he needed to talk to Reem.

He went and stood out of Reem's class so that he can talk to her as soon as she comes. He saw her coming out. Reem too saw him. She just ignored and was going when he called her.

Sid - Reem.

Reem turned to look at him.

Reem - What?

Sid - Reem I am really very sorry for all that happened yesterday. I never meant to..

He was speaking when she interrupted.

Reem - Don't say sorry to me. Say sorry to whom you have hurted.

Sid - I know Reem I will say sorry to her but please atleast for once listen to me.

Reem - Ok. Lets talk in garden.

They reached the garden.

Reem - Now speak whatever you want to say.

He nodded and narrated the incident. After listening to this, she had tears in her eyes and was guilty to not to listen to him. She knew that there must be a reason still she didn't listen to him. She felt like she failed in her friendship.

Reem - I am really very sorry Siddharth. I knew that there must be a reason still I didn't listen to you. I am not a good friend.

Sid - No Reem. First of all stop crying. Secondly you are the bestest friend I could have asked for. Thirdly I was at fault. If my friends won't make me realise my mistake then who will.

Reem hugged him. He hugged her back and caressed her hairs. She broke the hug.

Reem - But that doesn't make you free to not to apologize to her. You have to say sorry to her. And tell me who was that guy. I will kill him.

Sid - Reemi shant. I will definitely apologise to her. And about that boy just leave him for now. Accha tell me one thing that did Avneet got that much hurt because of me only. It looked like there was something else.

Reem - I won't tell you much. Just you touched her weak points. She was also bullied. Rest I would like her to tell you if she wishes to do so. I hope you understand.

Sid - Shit Reemi. What that boy did to me I did the same to Avneet. How can I be so much if asshole. Anyways can you tell me how to apologize to her.

Reem - First go to Aarav and apologise to him. He will only help you. He knows her better than me. I have to go. I have a class. Bye

Sid - Ok thanks bye.

She left while Sid was thinking how to make Aarav forgive him.
She sighed and went to find him. He found him in the canteen. He went towards him.

Sid - Hi bro.

Aarav saw him and said.

Aaru - I am not your bro.

Sid - Bro I am really very sorry about yesterday. I just had a fight at that time and I was so angry that I took it out on her. I never meant that.

Aaru - So if you have a fight then you will do anything. That doesn't give you any right to shout at anyone and say bad about them. Do you even know how hurt she is because of you? I don't know why I am even talking to you.

Sid - Bro I am really sorry but atleast listen to me. Please for once.

Aaru - Ok speak fast.

Sid narrated him everything since childhood to yesterday's fight.

Aarav too felt bad and guilty.

Aaru - I am really very sorry buddy. I should have listened to you. But you had hurt her so badly that I was so angry on you for doing that.

He said with guilt in his voice.

Sid - It's ok bro. No problem. You were concerned about your best friend. Plus I was wrong. It was my mistake and I am hell guilty about that. I want her to forgive me. Please help me.

Aaru - See it is very difficult as she was really very hurt but I think if you will tell her about your past and the fight she will forgive you. But she listening to you is a very big task.

Sid - Ok thanks bro. About her listening to me, I don't know what will I do. Anyways I will leave for now.

Aaru - Ya bye.

He left the place.

Sid was in corridors when he found Avneet there. He was feeling very guilty and didn't know how to face her. He somehow gathered courage and went towards her.

Sid - Umm hi Avneet. Can we talk for two minutes please?

She didn't want to create any scene in the corridor. She was not like Sid even when he insulted her in front of whole canteen so she calmly replied.

Avu - Why? Anything was left to say yesterday?

Sid - No Avneet I never meant all that. I just want to say sorry.

Avu - Why should I accept your sorry. Ohh wait I have to or someone will call me attention seeker. So Mr. Siddharth Nigam why are you saying sorry? It was my mistake that I bumped into you. I am really very sorry.

Sid - No Avneet why are you saying like that. I am saying sorry from my heart. And you are not an attention seeker. I never meant all that. Please listen to me for once.

Avu - Keep your sorry to yourself and get aside. I have classes to attend.

With that she went away making Sid more guilty.

She was herself having a battle in her mind. Was she very harsh to him? Did he really mean that sorry? Was there really a reason due to which he behaved like a jerk or he was making excuses to get his friends back who were not talking to him because of what he did to her? But he really looked guilty and very sorry. This was the confusion going on in her mind.

She shrugged the thought for some time.

Longest chapter ever 1145 words

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Longest chapter ever 1145 words.

Ok so Avu didn't accept Sid's apology.

Will Sid able to make Avu forgive her? If yes, then how?

I forgot to ask how was the chapter. Sooo how was the chapter? 😂😂😂

I will give Sidneet scene in next chapter for sure. I am sure you are going to love it.

Love you all❤❤


See you soon.

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