Chapter 20 - A Challenge

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Sid - Well if you have forgiven me then can we be friends?

Avu - No

Sid was shocked.

(A/N Readers also shocked)

Sid - But why?

Avu - I don't want to become friends with such an arrogant brat.

Sid - Ohh really. Even you have so much of ego. What about that?

He asked smirking.

Avu - Ego. Ohh hello Mr I don't have any ego.

Sid - Ohh really. Then why are you showing attitude to me when I am polite with you.

Avu - I am doing that because I want to know that what is the guarantee that you won't do any such thing again. What if again your ego comes in between? I don't have the capacity to listen all that again. Also it will hurt me more if you will be my friend.

He frowned. He spoke in a very calm and soft voice.

Sid - I am really very sorry Nakchadi. I won't repeat it. Trust me. What do you want me to do to make you trust me?

Avu (smiling) - Ok then. I challenge you make me trust you. If you were not able to do so then you won't irritate me anymore.

Sid (going closer to her and speaking in a very husky voice) - And what if I won?

Avneet shuddered due to the closeness but quickly composed herself and said.

Avu - Then I will be your friend and not only friend but best friend. I will tell you about my side of story which is still left.

Sid - Ok then. Challenge accepted.

Avu - Are you sure?

Sid - 2000 percent sure.

Avu - Done

They both were looking straight in each other's eyes and were smiling to themselves.

The bell ringed. They left not before giving each other a look.

Siddharth wanted to win as he knew Avneet was not like others. She was different. He really wanted her to be his friend. Plus he wanted to show her that he would never repeat that mistake again. He wanted to win her trust. But he was confused that what should he do exactly.

Avneet put on this challenge as she knew that Siddharth will never repeat it again but she still wanted to trust him enough to be her friend after her school experience. Moreover no matter whatever the reason was he had hurt her a lot so he deserved a punishment. How could she leave a chance to irritate him? She knew that Siddharth will win this challenge for sure. Infact she wanted him to win. She wanted to have a friend like him too. Also she was so used to him and his daily fights that she can't afford to loose it. She trusted him atleast that much. That's why she put that condition.

They finished their classes and met in the parking lot.

Siddharth saw Avu and smiled. Avu smiles back. Aarav and Reem were shocked to see them.

Sid - So may I drop you "Nakchadi"?

He said highlighting the word Nakchadi.

Avu - No thanks. I will go with my "best friend."

She said highlighting the word best friend.

(Tbh I was laughing while writing this. I don't know why.😂😂😂😂)

Sid (To Aarav) - Bye Bro. (to Avu) Bye Nakchadi.

Aaru - Bye buddy.

Avu - (to Sid) Bye. (To Reem ) Bye Reem.

Reem - Bye

(Idk what I am writing. I have gone mad. 😪😪😪 Extremely sorry for that.)

Aarav and Reem who were confused about what was happening, decided to ask them in the car.

They left.

While driving,

Aaru - What's up with you and buddy? You forgave him? Why were you two behaving soo strange? Wait I heard that buddy sat on his knees to say you sorry that too infront of the whole garden.

Avu - Ya he did. Before he told me everything about himself. I was about to forgive him but he dragged me in the garden and said sorry infront of everyone. Tbh I was very shocked at that time. He isn't bad. You were right. I should have listened to you.

Aaru - I told you. And why you two are behaving weird?

Avu - I challenged him.

Aaru - What type of challenge?

Avu - He asked me to be his friend. I said no. Instead I challenged him to make me his friend.

Aaru - Gosh. Seriously. That's childish.

Avu - Come on Aaru. You know that I don't trust people easily. I need to trust him to become his friend by heart. And I want to irritate him a little bit. That's it.

Aaru (now smiling) - Whatever you wish. But I am sure buddy will win at any cost.

Avu (smiling and a little bit lost) - Me too.

Aaru - What?

Avu (stamering) - No... No.. Nothing.

Aaru (not convinced) - Ok

Meanwhile Reem asked the same thing to Siddharth and Siddharth told her everything.

Reem (very shocked) - Seriously Sid. You asked for forgiveness like that. It was too unexpected. How you let down your ego?

Sid - Shut up Reem. I insulted her in front of all so I said sorry infront of all. That's it.

Reem (teasingly) - Mhmmm. That's it huh? You really are changing or it is because of someone special?

She asked with a smirk.

Sid (now stammering) - Ab... ab... vo... W. Who ..... i....s special... ..

Reem (sarcastically) - Ohh sure.

Sid - Look your home arrived. Bye

Reem - Ha ha. I am leaving today. No problem. I will catch you again. Then how will you escape?

With that she went away.

While Sid was thinking that he himself didn't have any answer to her question. Why he did that? He never thought about apologising that way. He thought to say simple sorry. He was not able to understand why he did that.

( stupid people 😒😒😒 )

He reached home and went inside.

How was the chapter? I know it was filled with madness

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How was the chapter? I know it was filled with madness. 😂😂

Did you like Avneet's challenge?

I would have made them friends but what was the fun then?😋😋

Will Siddharth be able to win the challenge. If yes, then how?

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Love you all. ❤❤❤


See you soon.

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