Chapter 43 - Love is in the air❤

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See the above VM its god damn funny lol 😂😹😹.

Credits for this - rajvi_29 😂❤

Thank you so much for 79 votes in last chapter. ❤❤😘

Avneet's POV

Ughh. This guy. Whenever he comes close to me my heartbeat stops, my voice gets stucked in my mouth. He affects me so much that I can't even tell. I feel like this bandar has become fever for me. I get so nervous when he is close and start sweating but why? He kissed my cheek, he flirted with me but I didn't get angry on him. To be honest I was blushing. Instead I was angry that he flirted with someone else.

My anger had already vanished when he came so close. Still I went from there showing fake anger because I love his ways of convincing me. He knows very well how to make me happy. Wait I am thinking a lot about him.

Guess what I am currently working in the auditorium but my mind is not here. Its with that bandar. I am smiling like an idiot right now. I have started to daydream as well. What's happening? Even a single day without him is very difficult to spend. And it is actually impossible to not to think about him even for a day. Why?

Is it love.......???

Nope not possible. You are thinking anything Avu forget it. He is just a friend. Is he? Ughh stop overthinking. I was lost in my thoughts and walking when I bumped into someone and the decoration items fell down from my hands. I looked up and saw Aaru. He helped me pick up all that.

Aaru - Avu where are you lost?

Avu - Uhh..No... nowhere.

Aaru (looking straight into her eyes) - You can lie to yourself but can't lie to me. Tell me what happened?

Avu - Its nothing Aaru.

Aaru - I know there is something and I know that something also.

I looked at him shocked. How he understands me so well. How can he read me?

(Coz he loves you a lot ♥♥♥)

Aaru - Don't look at me like that. I know you inside out very well. And I know you were thinking about Buddy and your feelings for him.

I widened my eyes. How can he be so accurate?

Avu - How do you know?

Aaru - Your smile and blush says it all.

He said looking here and there. What's wrong with him. He suddenly held my hand in his hands and said.

Aaru - Avu realise your feelings as soon as possible. Because sometimes it gets too late that you may lose that person forever. You never know how you end up hurting yourself and the other person as well. I hope you understand soon. For now you have to go to Sid for your practice. You go to him now as you are free.

Saying this he went away. What he said? It made me awestruck. Something is very wrong but what? I brushed off my thoughts and went to music room to talk to Sid about our dance practice. I was also free at this time because I have completed that work and now we are stucked for something which we will do tomorrow by asking our incharges.

POV ends

Aarav's POV

I was working when I looked towards Avu. She was looking lost. She was working with lost mind. Like her mind is not here. She was smiling continuously and was blushing also in between. I want to her say smiling like this always.

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