Chapter 39 - One Step to Realisation ❤

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Attachment completed one year. Yahoo. I am so happy. I wish we get our Sidneet back super soon. #Sidneetforever ❤❤❤❤❤😍😍😍

Siddharth's POV

I came back home and I had a huge broad smile on my face. Something is happening which is making me go crazy. Avu has made me go crazy. I was recalling all what she said to me. She said I am special. I was lost in my thoughts and was busy smiling to myself when I bumped into mom. Ohh shit.

Vibha - Where were you lost? Walk carefully Sid.

Sid - Sorry sorry mom. Actually I was thinking something and I didn't realise that you were coming. Sorry.

Vibha - It's ok beta. But what were you thinking that you were smiling and blushing. And where were you till now?

She said smrking. Ohh shit not again. But wait I was blushing. Ohh god what is happening? After this I was blushing more. Ohh god. How should I control this? I started looking here and there to hide my blushy cheeks.

Sid - What......what are you saying? Why will I blush?

I managed to speak. I saw mom smirking at me from the corner of my eyes. God save me.

Vibha - What are you doing now? Why are your cheeks red as tomato?

(Tamatar lelo 🍅🍅 rajvi_29 remember 😂😂😂😂)

Sid - ... there is nothing... like

Vibha - Shut up bandar kahike. I am your mom. I know you very well. Tell me where were you.

Sid - Mommm. Don't call me Bandar. I have said you many times.

I said whining and getting fully embarrassed. I was completely red. Mom chuckled looking at my condition.

Vibha - Haan haan only your nakchadi can call you bandar.

Sid - Mommmmmmmm.

I whined and she started laughing.

Vibha - Shut up now and don't divert the topic. Where were you?

Ohh god now I am going to get more teased.

Sid - Voo.. voo.. I was with.....nakchadi.

Vibha (smirking) - Ohh that's why you were blushing? 

Sid - Mom I wasn't.

I lied though I know I can never lie to her.

Vibha - You were. Now come here sit with me.

She took me to her room and made me sit on the bed. She herself sat beside me.

Vibha - I will ask you something. Answer me honestly. Promise?

Sid - Mom what are you doing?

Vibha - I said promise me.

Sid - Ok mom I promise I will answer all the questions honestly.
Vibha - Good. Now tell me do you feel strange when you are with Avu?

I closed my eyes and sighed.

Sid - Yes mom. Very much. I feel like my mind, heart nothing is in my control.

I answered honestly as I promised. I opened my eyes to see mom smiling.

Vibha - Ok now tell me do you think about her everytime?

Sid - Yes mom.

I answered getting embarrassed. No matter what she is my mom afterall. Mom smiled.

Vibha - Don't be embarrassed beta. Think of me as your friend. Then only I can help you out beta.

Sid - Ok mom.

I smiled at her. I am lucky to have such an amazing mom. She understands me so well.

Vibha - Do you have a smile on your face while thinking about her?

Sid - Yes I always do smile even at the mention of her.

Vibha - Do you get lost in her whenever you see her?

Sid - Yes afterall she is so beautiful.

Vibha - Do you get angry seeing her with someone else?

Sid - Yes mom.

I said as I remember how angry I get seeing her close to Bro even after knowing that they are best friends.

Vibha - Do you wish her to stay happy forever and protect her from everything?

Sid - Always.

Vibha - Do you stay the happiest with her?

Sid - Yes very much.

I said reminiscing every single moment we spent together till date.

Vibha - Then what are you waiting for Beta. Its love. True love. Is your confusion clear now?

She said smiling broadly at me. I was still confused. Like do I seriously love her? It was more complicated now.

Sid - No mom. I am confused.

(Stupid 😒😒😒😒. Don't worry you will realise soon😉😉😉😉)

Mom sighed and said.

Vibha - Its okay beta. You will realise it soon. If you do first tell me. Okay?

Sid - Yeah mom.

I went back in my room still lost in her thoughts. Is it love? Do I seriously love her? Does she also loves me? What if she doesn't? What if its infatuation? Ohh god. Why is love so complicated? Her words were ringing in my mind.

"My dance is incomplete without you Sid."

"I won't leave you until you leave me."

"You are the best Sid. Thanks for being in my life."

"Why everyone whom I love the most leaves me?"

"What you did right now was just magical. I felt loved Siddharth."

"We are with each other forever Sid."

"Thank you so much for being here with me. You are the first person with whom I came here in this orphanage. I never brought anyone here. But you - you - you are different. Special."

Ohh god I am so confused. I slept while thinking about her. She can never leave my thoughts afterall.

POV ends

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Siddharth is realising but what about Avneet?

Will she realise?

What will happen next?

Much drama awaits in the preparation. Jealousy, love, romance, realisation, revelation and tears too are awaiting. Excited?

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