Chapter 52 - Who is he?

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Hey guys I didn't announce this on my message board because everyone ignores. But please read this.

Guys if you read a book then try to value the person's efforts behind it. A single vote and comment won't hurt anyone. It would in fact bring a smile on the writer's face.

I am not talking about myself. Yesterday my two favourite authors and best friends were talking about deleting their books because of this - siddharthian_forever and Saniya_tasniya_16. Guys please for me just once go and check their books. Please just once check it. Don't let them delete their books. Please for me. You won't regret. Can I request that much? Ik half of the people are going to ignore this but still please. I request you all. Please please complete their targets.


And secondly exams khatam. Pawriiii time. Yahooo. Me dancing

Here's the new chapter. Enjoy.💕

Avneet's POV

Today everything is going too fast forward. Like I didn't realise when actually I came college. I am currently in the auditorium working. There's too much work as I didn't do anything from last one week. Ohh god I don't know what I will do. How I will do? I was panicking while Aaru was moving with me calming me and helping me. I am at loss of words for praising him. Hehe. 

We were currently setting flowers. I have to hang these flowers above the entrance but I don't have stool right now. What should I do? I looked at Aaru and it looked like he was thinking the same.

Avu - What now?

Aaru - I don't know.

Avu - You know what pick me up and I will hang the flowers there. 
Aaru - Umm..I...but..

Avu - What happened Aaru? Don't think much. We don't have so much time to waste. Please be quick.

Aarav (unwantedly) - Ok. 

Why is he behaving like this? He was again thinking. What's wrong with him? Suddenly I felt myself being picked up. Who the hell? I looked down and saw Sid. He was looking at me. I too looked at him. We had a eyelock. We keep having eyelocks every now and then. What's happening? Suddenly he said.

Sid - I know I am handsome but you can look at me later. Do your work right now. 

He said with a smirk. I looked away and started doing my work. My cheeks were having a tint of pink. Why the hell am I blushing? What's happening? I finally completed my work and he put me down. 

Avu - Umm thank you.

Sid - No problem. 

I went from there. 

POV ends

Siddharth's POV

I saw Avu asking Bro to pick her up and Buddy was getting nervous. Honestly saying I felt possessive and went there to pick her up. She's too light just like a feather. After she left, Bro said.

Aarav - Hash you came. Or else she was forcing me to pick her up. I mean like you got the chance for romance. 

He said looking away. Ohh god maybe he's hurt coz I pulled him away from Avu that day. I am getting too possessive. I will apologize.

Sid - Umm Buddy vo I am sorry.

Aarav (confused) - Why?

Sid - Umm that day actually I pulled you away from Avu remember. I don't know but I got too possessive. Sorry Bro. I didn't mean to. I know now also you didn't pick Avu thinking what will I do when I get to know. I am really sorry.

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