Chapter 54 - Dance Practice?!

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Let's start

Next morning, everyone woke up. Avneet ignored her parents and didn't eat her breakfast. Jai apologized for his yesterday's behaviour just for the sake of Avu. Avu directly went to Jai and asked.

Avu - Jai how are you coming college?

Jai - Umm di by metro?

Avu - No need of that. Sid will come to pick me up. You too come with us.

Jai - But di..

Avu - Don't worry Jai. Sid doesn't mind. I asked him on call. He was completely fine with it.

(Jai be like what will I do as a third wheel there 😂🤔)

Jai (not having any other option) - Ok.

Jai had his breakfast and forced Avu to eat as well. Sid came to pick them up. They left for college. Whole drive Sid and Jai were talking like long lost best friends and Avu was being a third wheel now. She was irritated but happy at the same time she didn't know why.

They went inside and Jai left for lectures and Sid was also going to music room but Avu stopped him and hugged him. Sid confusely hugged her back.

Sid ( confused ) - What happened Avu?

Avu - Thank you so much Sid. I don't know how to thank you for what all you did for me. Because of you I was able to handle the situation. You explained me. Jai didn't leave any of ours side. I am so happy.

Sid - I didn't know that this Nakchadi can say so much thank you also to me. Wow.

She hit him lightly on chest. He chuckled.

Sid - Avu don't say thank you. I don't like to hear thank you from you. I like you better fighting with me.

Avu - Ok Bandar.

They both chuckled. They were still hugging each other. They heard fake coughs and left each other. They saw Reem and Aarav.

Reem - If your action of clasping tightly in each other's arms and clinging onto each other with your bodies pressed against each each other is over, go the dance teacher is calling you both.

(A/N 🤣🤣🤣 lmao sorry for this)

Their eyes widened at her choice of words. She made a hug sound so gross. They both blushed hard and went from there to meet the teacher. Reem too left. Aarav felt sad. On the way, they both were embarrassed and the situation was awkward. They went to the dance teacher. 

(DT means Dance Teacher)

DT - Ohh god. Finally you are here. Where were you both lost from last one week? You didn't even inform me if you have started with your dance practice or not.

Both of their eyes widened as they realised something and looking at each other. 

Sidneet (in mind) - Dance Practice!? Shit! We forgot about it completely. We have very less time. Only 2 days are left for freshers. Damn.

DT - You both will keep looking each other only or answer my question as well. Have you completed your practice??

Avu - Umm actually sorry ma'am due to some personal problems of mine, I didn't do anything. I just forgot about it. We are really sorry ma'am. 

DT - What? Avneet from when you have started being so careless? I told you both before only that you have to perform a special dance which will be center of attraction. Only two days are left and you both have not even selected the song. 

Avneet looked down embarrassed. Sid looked at her and got angry on teacher. But he tried to handle the situation calmly.

Sid - Ma'am you don't know what happened with her. How can you just scold her like that? Already her mental state is not that much good and this will disturb her more. I am sorry ma'am but you never know what a person is going through. You can't just judge a person like that. It's wrong. And about the dance practice don't worry we will prepare dance in these two days. We will do practice after college hours. Don't worry about that.

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