Chapter 21 - Guests

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Avneet reached home. She went inside.

Sonia - Hi beta. How was your day?

Avu (smiling thinking of Sid) - Bestest day of the college.

Sonia - Why? What happened?  You seemed quite off yesterday. And today you seem very happy. What's the matter?

Avu - Ab..ab....vo... nothing ma. Just I got scolded yesterday by the teacher for no reason. And today ma'am was sorry for behaving like that. She said sorry infront of everyone.

(A/N Wow what a lie. You all know who is the teacher Avu is talking about. 😏😏😏)

Sonia - Oh wow. It's a nice thing. Anyways guests are coming today so don't sleep today.

Avu - Which guests?

Sonia - Actually my best friend is coming with her family.

Avu - Ohh okay ma.

(Any guesses who are the guests. I will tell in this chapter only. Don't worry. But tell what do you think.)

Avneet went in her room to freshen up. She then came down and had her lunch. After lunch she was sitting idle in the room because her mother was busy cooking. She started scrolling through instagram when she saw a notification of Siddharth sending her follow request.

She accepted the follow request. She immediately received a message from him.

Sid - Hi.

Avu - Hi.

Sid - What are you doing?

Avu - Just sitting idle and scrolling through instagram. And you?

Sid - I am waiting for my mom to get ready. We have to go somewhere.

Avu - Ohh. Btw you thought how to win the challenge?

Sid - Not yet. But I will think for sure.

Avu - Keep trying.

Sid - Ok I will talk later. Mom came. I have to go. Bye.

Avu - Bye

Avneet started smiling to herself. She didn't know why but she was more excited than him to know what all he can do. She was thinking all this when she received a call.

It was from Aarav.

(Mood spolied? Good. 😂😂✌ That's what I wanted. I can't give you so much of happiness at a time. I am also evil you know. At first I thought not to include Aarav in next two three chapters. But no what's the fun without him. Right? 😂😝 )

Aaru - Heya. What's up. Watcha doing?

Avu - Hi. What happened to you. You sound so happy.

Aaru - Actually I had an project to do in pairs. The teacher paired me with a stupid chipku girl. She was clinging on to me like anything. Finally that project got over and I got freedom from that chipkali.

Avu ( laughing uncontrollably) - Hahaha. Chipkali. Hahahahaha. Very good. I can't tell you what I am feeling right now. I pity you too much that I can't stop laughing. 😂😂😂😂

Aaru (irritated) - Shut up Avu.

Avu ( getting calm) - Ok.

But she again burst into laughter

Avu - Hahahahhaha. 😂😂

Aaru - Ughhh.

Avu - Ok ok. What happened? Why you called?

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