Chapter 31 - Beautiful Morning

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Next morning,

Everyone was sleeping. This first to wake up was Aarav. He got of his bed and remembered all that happened yesterday. So he decided to check on Avu first. He went in the guest room only to find her sleeping peacefully like a innocent baby.

(Guys this word baby makes me laugh like anything for some reason. I will use it again and again in this chapter to remind some people something and I know even they will be laughing very badly 😂😂😂😂)

He went closer to her bed and sat on his both knees in front of the bed. He was staring at her innocent face. He caressed her hairs with his hand.

Aaru (in mind) - She is so pretty inside out. I am really lucky to have her as my bestfriend. She is looking like a baby who has no worries of this world but I know how much pain is hidden behind this. I wish I could help you in something. She must be having headache today. Let me get fresh first till she is sleeping. Then I will prepare lemonade for her.

He went to get fresh.

(I love writing Aarav's thoughts. You will know why soon.😌😌😌)

Meanwhile Siddharth also woke up. He too remembered about everything. He was also having headache due to sleeping late. He thought that Reem and Avu also must be having headache. He quickly brushed his teeth and went down to kitchen. He asked a servant to make three glasses of lemonade. After few mins the lemonade was ready so he gave it to Siddharth.

Siddharth took it and first drank himself. He then went to Reem's room to see if she is awake or not. She wasn't awake so he left the lemonade on her table with a note to drink it and telling her that she is at Aarav's house.

He then left to Avneet's room. He thought that Avneet would also be sleeping but to his surprise he found Avneet awake rubbing her eyes.

He saw her and got lost in her. She was looking soo cute like a small baby.

(Again baby. I ain't leaving this word anytime soon.😝😂)

She noticed him and saw him lost somewhere so she thought to take him out of his thoughts and ask him how she landed up here. And actually where? She doesn't even know.

She was shocked to see herself in a unknown room in same last night dress when she woke up.

She went towards him and snapped her fingers in front of him. He came out of his dreamland or I should say Avneetland.

Avu - Bandar ke bacche. Where are you lost?

Sid (mumbling) - In you.

But she didn't hear.

Avu - What?

Sid - Nothing.

Avu - What nothing? You first tell me where are we? And how I landed here? My head is also hurting. You idiot. Speak. Why aren't you speaking anything? Why.....

She was blabbering continuously and was not listening to him. He got irritated and kept his hand on his hand on her mouth. She looked in his eyes and got lost.

Sid - Ugh. Shh. How many questions do you ask? Shut up and listen. We are at Aarav's house. You drank a lot last night and then passed out. That's why your head is paining. And I brought you here. Okay got the answer to all your questions.

He removed his hands and found her lost on him. He smirked.

Sid - My eyes are so beautiful na. They are drown worthy. Right?

Avu (lost) - Yeah.

Sid - You love my eyes?

Avu (still lost) - Yes very much.

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