Chapter 69 - Best Friends Forever

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Ik that 5 years in coma was stupid but sorry about that 😅. But I really loved the responses on last chapter. 💖🤧 Thank you so much. This is the second last chapter.

Next day,

Avneet's POV

Yesterday, I told di everything about me, Sid and Aarav and not to forget about Jaireem as well. She was really feeling sad for Aarav but was happy for me and Jai at the same time. Sid and di developed a good bonding at which I am really happy about and me and Jiju also bonded well. Reem too came to meet us but left after sometime.

The priest arrived and marriage was fixed after 10 days and engagement and Sangeet after 3 days.

Sid (whispering) - I am very excited for our wedding.

Avu (blushing + whispering) - Me too.

The priest left after sometime. I was now alone in my room looking at a picture of me, Aaru and Sid before he left. I caressed it.

Avu (talking to the photo) - I really miss you Aaru. I never thought of getting married without you being my side. I need you here yaar. I really really miss our goofiness, our friendship, our understanding and everything. I don't even know how to tell you about this wedding. I really hope that you have moved on.

Let me try calling him once.

Avu - Please god. He should pick up the phone this time.

I dialed his number and it was picked after 2 rings.

Aarav - Hello Avu?

I smiled listening his voice.

Avu (almost inaudible) - Aaru..

I said softly and I heard muffling sound from his side.

Avu - How are you?

Aarav - I am good but I am really missing you.

Avu - I don't think that you miss me because if you really did then why don't you call me??

Aaru - I am really sorry Avu but I get so busy in day that I don't get time to call anyone and in night I just sleep due to tiredness. I am really sorry. How are you and Buddy btw?

Avu - We are also fine. How's your work going over there?

Aarav - Amazing.

Avu - You really don't have time Aaru?

Aarav - What happened Avu? Why are you asking like that?

I don't know how he will react but I am telling him.

Avu - Me and Sid are going to get married in 10 days and engagement is after 3 days.

This was followed by silence.

Aarav - Wow! I mean it's amazing yaar. Congratulations to you both!

Avu - Can you please take out time and come to our engagement and stay till our wedding please? Aaru it's the biggest moment of my life and I can't imagine celebrating it without you. My happiness is incomplete without you Aaru. Please.

I asked in a pleading tone. I heard silence from other side. After a while he spoke up.

Aarav - Avu I am sorry but I cannot get leave in such short notice. I am really very sorry Avu. If you had informed me earlier maybe I could do something but now it's not possible.

I got hurt listening this and I spoke in anger.

Avu - Ok fine then. You do your work which is important for you than everyone else. I am not gonna talk to you. Bye.

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