Chapter 32 - My life is incomplete without them

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Hey everyone,

Extremely sorry for late update. I was busy. I am fine now. Thanks for your wishes. ♥♥♥

The book reached 10.5K reads and 2.06K votes. Thank you so much all of you. Its a big achievement. I love you all. Each chapter has atleast 50 votes. Thank you so much. It means a lot for a writer.

I was just listening to the above song so I put it. It has no connection with the chapter. 😂😅

Lets start,

Avu came back in her room and sat on the bed reminiscing all what had happened. She was smiling thinking all that. Suddenly she saw a bracelet on her table. She picked it up and looked at it carefully as a tear escaped her eye.

Flashback, (My book is incomplete without Flashback 😂😅😅)

Avu and Jai were in their room talking and laughing with each other. Suddenly Sam barged in the room excitedly. Both of the siblings looked at her in curiosity when Jai asked.

Jai - Di why are you so excited. What happened?

Avu - You went to shopping with your friends right? So what happened?

Sam - I have brought you guys something.

Jaineet - What?

Sam opened her bag and took out a bracelet and a watch. Jai and Avu were very happy seeing them.

Sam took the watch and went to Jai.

Sam - It's been so many days you are asking for a watch. Here, take it.

She said as she handed him that.

Jai (very happy) - Thank you di.

Sam - Your welcome my brother.

She kissed his forehead. She went towards Avu and took her hand. She made her wear that.

Sam - How is it?

Avu - Very beautiful. Thank you di.

She said with teary eyes.

Sam - Why are you crying? You didn't like it.

Avu - No I loved it a lot.

She hugged Sam. She hugged her back and said.

Sam - Stop crying idiot and smile.

Avu smiled and broke the hug. Sam went out of the room leaving Avu with her thoughts.

She got teary at her sister's sudden display of love. One moment she shows that she loves them the most and other moment shows that she hates them the most. She wasn't able to understand what her sister wanted. Her mind was perplexed as she wanted to understand what her sister is doing. Though she had a hint of the reason.

Flashback ends (Ik it was boring 😔😔).

She was missing her siblings again and after seeing that bracelet she was feeling incomplete like a part of her heart has been lost.

Avu (to herself) - I am incomplete without them.

She said as again a tear escaped her eye. She decided to call her sister. She called her after thinking a lot as she had denied her to call. She got upset when the call got cut.

Avu - I don't know what's the problem. Let me call Jai. I wish he picks up at least.

She called him and after a few rings he finally picked up.

Jai - Hello di.

Avu became very happy hearing his voice.

Avu - Hi Jai. How are you?

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