Chapter 58 - Proposal

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Look who updated. Nervously chuckling 😅. But I will give double update promise.

Thoughts about chapter name?

Andddddd the most awaited chapter is hereeee,

Siddharth's POV

Today I am going to propose my love. I am too excited yet nervous. I really don't know what's gonna be her reply but I can see love in her eyes for me and only me. I hope I am not wrong. I am currently waiting for her to come out of her home. I am outside her house and we have to go to college.

Finally my wait was over as I saw her coming looking like an angel. Everything in her attracts me towards her more. She has completely changed me. The arrogant and self obsessed brat who didn't see anyone before him has become a love sick puppy. I didn't realise for how long I was staring at her. She was now banging the window asking me to open the door of the car. Ohh shit. I quickly opened the door and she sat. She was looking irritated.

Her nose becomes small and red in anger. She looks soooooooo cute in anger that I can't even express. Her eyes become small and cheeks swell up a little causing her to look more cute. How can a person become more cute? I don't know but she has that talent. Is she saying something? No ohh shit she's shouting.

Avu (shouting) - Bandar ke bacche!!!! What's wrong with you? Where are you lost haan? Don't you have ears? First I was standing at the window asking you to open the door and you didn't hear. Forget about hear you didn't even see. And now I was talking to you and you were lost. You didn't hear anything. Huhh. Earlier you lacked only brain. Now have you lost your senses as well?!! You got a disease or something??

She was shouting continuously. Man she can turn scary.

Sid - Shh my ears started bleeding you Nakchadi. And ya I got a disease, a very dangerous one. That's why I am behaving like this.

The disease is love. And the cause is you. (in mind)

Avu (confused) - What?

Sid - You will get to know today only. Just wait.

She looked at me even more confusely. Don't worry Avu. You will get the answer today only. After sometime we reached and she went inside while I looked at her retreating figure with a small smile. I can't wait to make you mine. I parked the car and went inside directly to my band as I have to make some preparations for the proposal. I just want their one help. I told them and they immediately agreed. I wanted the proposal to very simple. They teased me for sometime and then I left for my class. When will the time pass? I can't wait to express my feelings to her.

After sometime finally, it was a free lecture. I went out and waited for Avu to come. I know she too has a free lecture. She is coming yayy. Ohh shit in this excitement I forgot to tell about this proposal thing to Bro and Reemie. They are going to be hell mad at me. Nevermind I know Reemie too has a free lecture but Bro doesn't have. So I will tell him later. I was thinking all this when Avu snapped her fingers in front of me.

Avu (annoyed) - Its the third time in a day you know. What's wrong with you yaar?

Sid - You want to know. Come with me.

I said and dragged her to college garden ignoring all her questions.

Avu - Why you brought me here.

I looked in her eyes and kept my  finger on her mouth.

Sid - Shh. Listen now.

I whistled indicating my band to start singing.

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