Chapter 37 - Fresher's Party?

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Happiest birthday to my dearest friend kairasidneet aka Ruchi. Muah. I love you a lot❤❤❤😘😘😘. Enjoy your day. You were my first friend ik and also the first voter and read of my book. Without me even asking you made me the cover❤❤❤. You also helped me a bit with characters. Thats why you had an idea of the storyline 😂😝. Thank you so much and I love you a lot. ❤❤❤😊 Thanks for always supporting me.

This was my short essay for you as I am very bad at expressing my feelings.

Also, happy birthday anushkaajainn. Love you a lot di. You and your stories are just amazing.😘😘❤❤Enjoy your day. Guys do checkout her new story. It's awesome. You will love it.

Thanks for your wishes. My PTM went very well and my teacher praised me way too much and I was so shocked but happy 😂❤. I will get my report card by 4 so result nahi mila.

Let's start,

Next day,

All third year students came to college auditorium as the Principal wanted to announce something.

They reached the hall and were waiting for the Principal to arrive. Reemneet were standing together and Sidrav was standing together.

Siddharth's POV

Idk what this stupid Princy has to say now. We are waiting and he hasn't even arrived yet. Wow.

Aarav - Yaar buddy I don't understand why this Princi can't come early. Are we his servants that we are here waiting for him?

Sid - Exactly. While calling us he says no one should be late. And now he himself is late.

I rolled my eyes.

Aarav - True.

Finally after 10 decades he came. Ok I mean after 10 mins. 😂😂😂 He then started speaking nonsense and then he finally came to the point.

Principal - We are here because as you know every year new admissions come in this period of time. So you as third year students have the responsibility of welcoming them through a freshers party. You guys only are going to make arrangements and have to prepare your performances. Your dance and music teachers are going to help you out. Just cooperate with them. Thank you. I hope you will be able to shoulder this responsibility.

(Ik this is madness but someone has to organise fresher's party in college. Why not give responsibility to third year students? 😂😂😂)

He then started speaking nonsense again. Hmm. Freshers Party. Interesting. I know our music teacher and dance teacher are definitely going to ask me to participate. Its music and dance so I have no problem. I was thinking all this when I felt someone shaking me. It was Bro.

Aarav - What happened? Where are you lost?

Sid - No nowhere. I was just thinking that the music and dance teacher won't leave me ofcourse.

Aaru - Ya Avu as well.

Sid - Yup.

Then we heard that students are dismissed. Finally. We left the hall and went to canteen.

POV ends

Avneet's POV

Wow fresher's party. I will have to participate in dance and about music, well I sing but I don't think that I sing so well to participate. I was going to canteen with Reem when the head of cultural department stopped us. Ughh now what?

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