Chapter 61 - I love you ♥

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Sooooo finally I am back with another one. The most awaited chapter of this book. You may find this chapter a little weird 😂😅😅😅 but my imagination is weird. Can't help it.

Avneet's POV

I woke up with a headache. Ugh I know it's because of all that stress I took yesterday. Though I am still confused about my decision but somewhere it seems right. I just hope it doesn't turns out to be worst for Aaru. Ughh I feel so selfish and this guilt is killing me.

Anyways, Today's a big day. I have a lot of plans for today. I ran to the washroom.

I was getting ready when I got a call from Reem. I picked up.

Avu - Hi.

Reem - Hi Avu. How are you?

Avu - I am fine and ummmmm how's Sid?

Reem - Better than yesterday.

I sighed. This made me even more guilty.

Reem - Let me come straight to the point. Why did you refuse Sid?

Avu - I didn't refuse him Reem. I asked for time and that too because I was confused.

Reem - Confused for what?

Avu - That I love him or not.

I lied. Sorry Reem.

Reem - Please Avu. Don't even try to lie. I know you have accepted way before that you love him. Then why? Because of Aarav right? He loves you na?

I was shocked. How did she know?

Avu - How do you know?

Reem - Well I have noticed him many times when you and Sid are together. His change of behaviour justifies everything and also I saw him pale when Sid was proposing you. So I guessed that maybe you were confused regarding whom to choose.

I smiled thinking how each and every friend of mine can understand and love me this much. I am blessed to have them. If life snatches something from you it gives someone else in return as well.

Avu - You are right Reem. I doubted that he loved me before as well but when I saw him crying yesterday, I was confirmed. So I wanted to talk with him before taking any decision. He loves me a lot Reem. He wants to see me happy when he is heartbroken. He only wants my happiness. I am feeling so guilty.

Reem - Avu first of all I know that he is a sweetheart and secondly calm down. It's not your fault. Why are you guilty? And what decision you took?

Avu - I decided to be with Sid only. Aaru explained me so I agreed. I will just make sure that he doesn't get much hurt by seeing me and Sid together.

Reem - Thats wise decision Avu. What about Sid?

Avu (blushing) - Umm vo I am going to propose him today. 

Reem ( teasingly ) - Wahh. Great.

Avu - Shut up. I will tell you after proposing.

Reem - Sure madam. Bye

Avu ( chuckling ) - Bye.

She is crazy. Now I have to think about how to propose him? Ughhh my head's gonna burst. Wait. Suddenly the most unique and stupid idea clicked my mind. Where else will my editing skills work? I took out my laptop and started working. After sometime I was done with it. Finally. Uff. I bet that this is gonna be the most beautiful proposal. Umm I mean I guess it should be 😂😅.

It was evening now. I left the house and took out the printout of what I had made. And I called Sid in garden. He was confused at first but agreed nevertheless. He reached after sometime and I hid behind the bushes.

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