Chapter 45 - What's wrong?

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Thank you so much everyone for your overwhelming comments in last chapter. I really really loved them. I am sorry that I am not replying to your comments but I have my personal reasons. Again just wanna say that keep showering your love on this and keep commenting or spamming whatever you wish for.

Before starting I wanna say that those who still haven't read my other two books go and read it. One is OS and another is Five shot and they are completed.

Avneet's POV

Everything has been going well. It's been 5 days we have been working on the preparations of the party. It's going pretty much well. Today I am getting some empty feeling in stomach as if something bad is going to happen. But what? And why do I feel like a part of me will be snatched today?

I shrugged off this feeling and went to work again. I was working then too the same feeling was bothering me. I was feeling disturbed. Aaru came up to me as he sees me getting dull and in deep thought.

Aarav - What's wrong Avu?

Avu - I - I just don't know. I am feeling like something bad is going to happen but why? Like I have been getting some empty feeling in my stomach.

I watch him furrow his eyebrows as he sidehugged me.

Aarav - Avu don't think too much. I think that it's just the result of overthinking. Calm down and think positive, everything will be okay. Ok?

I nod and smiled at him.

Avu - Ok.

He went and I continued doing my work. After sometime we met in the canteen. We all were eating and three of them were talking about something while I was quite.

Sid - What happened Avu? Why are you not speaking anything? You know you can't stay quite.

I rolled my eyes and said.

Avu - I just don't feel like talking.

Sid - Oh my god. From where did sun rise today?

He said being over dramatic and I scoffed. Aaru looked at me.

Aarav - Avu I told na leave it. Nothing is going to happen.

Avu - I know Aaru but my mood is a bit off.

Reem - What happened guys?

Avu - Nothing

Sid - Tell na Nakchadi.

Aaru - I will tell.

Then he told what I told him. They looked at me and assured what all Aarav said earlier. I gave them a small smile before getting back to work.

I had been working since a long time when my phone beeped. I took the phone as I got the shock of my life. Tears started rolling down my eyes. No how is it possible? This better be a prank. But the further messages just shook me. I just ran out of the auditorium and went to empty classroom which I found on the way and started crying. Why does this always happen to me?

POV ends

Siddharth's POV

Idk what happened to Avu. She looks very disturbed. Bro told us what is wrong with her. But I think she is just overthinking. I can't see her like that. Let me go to the auditorium and see her once. I will feel better. Maybe 😌😌

I went to the auditorium and I didn't see Avu there. I searched the entire auditorium she was not there. Maybe I should ask Reem. I went to Reem.

Sid - Reem where is Avu?

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