Chapter 38 - Orphanage

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Sorry sorry sorry for not giving double update yesterday. But I got busy with some work.

Above song is my all time fav.

Let's jump to the chapter 😂😂

Sidneet chapter ❤😌

Siddharth's POV

We sat in the car. By we I mean me and Nachadi. I was about to start the car but I saw her lost somewhere. So I called her.

Sid - Nakchadi.

Avu -

Sid - Nakchadi.

Avu -

Ohh god she isn't even listening. I snapped my fingers infront of her eyes. She came back to earth.

Sid - Where were you lost?

Avu - Umm Sid let's go somewhere.

Sid - Ya we are going home na. Let's go.

She made an annoyed face.

Avu - Bandar I was saying that let's go for an outing or something like that.

Sid - Ohh sure. Where?

Avu - I will tell you the directions. Just follow. We will see then ok.

Sid - What nonsense? Can't you simply tell where you have to go?

Avu - No now shut up and drive or else I will ask Aaru to take me.

Sid - No no I am driving.

Ughh why always she brings him in between? But why did I agree listening this? Leave it.

She chuckled and told me the directions. After sometime we reached. It was an orphanage. Seriously she wanted to come to orphanage but why? She looked happy coming there.

Sid - Seriously you wanted to come to an orphanage. Why?

Avu - I love such places. It gives peace. You know whenever I come here I feel like I am like I am a child. The children over here are alone. They have never experienced love. The feeling called love has no meaning for them. I feel like we people should try to make them feel loved. Like we should play with them, make them enjoy and teach the meaning of life. You know it also fills your heart which is empty due to any reason. Vaise bhi a human becomes a good human when he can get useful for someone. The happiness which you get by seeing someone smiling because of you is beyond world. Its true happiness.

She said and I was staring her thinking how can she be so beautiful inside out. Her thought process is just amazing. She thinks a lot for others. She looked at me. I went closer and held her hand.

Sid - How can you think so much for others? You know what I always used to dislike such places. I never liked to come here. That's why I asked you in that manner earlier. But you have changed me seriously. And this Siddharth is thousand times better. Your words affect me like none else ever did. My mother is proud to see this Siddharth. All because of you. Thank you so much Avneet for changing my view point for life.

I said and I don't know why but my eyes were teary. I got emotional. I looked at her and she looked in same condition as me. I brought her hand close to my face and gently kissed her palm. She looked a little bit shocked at this but she was more teary this time. What happened? Have I done something wrong. I was worried but she hugged me and sobbed. I pat her back as she sobs more. What happened to her? After a while she calmed down and broke the hug.

Avu - You know what Siddharth what you did right now was just magical. I felt loved Siddharth. Even with my own mother, I never felt like that. You made me feel safe. My father's gestures were just like you. He always made me feel loved and safe. Though things have changed now but still thank you Siddharth. Thank you so much for being here with me. You are the first person with whom I came here in this orphanage. I never brought anyone here. But you - you - you are different. Special.

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