Chapter 66 - Will you marry me?

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Really disappointed from the votes on last few chapters. Nevertheless it's not in my hand. I am really frustrated by all this so leave it. 😔🙄

What do you think about the title 😏?

After 5 years
In Mumbai

Avneet's POV

Well hello there everyone. I hope you remember me. I am Avneet hope you all know. So many things have changed in these years. Like the first thing I am in Mumbai. Yeaa we shifted to Mumbai. Let's start from starting so that you don't get confused.

So after Aarav left, we all also started our career in our respective fields. Reem is an dancer now and I am an software engineer in a well known company. And Sid he toh became a famous singer in these five years. It was his dream and he fulfilled it. Yaa the reason I am in Mumbai. Sid gave auditions and he got selected so me and Sid shifted to Mumbai. I got myself a job in Mumbai only as we had planned.

Our families are still in Delhi though. Reem is also in Mumbai with us. We three live together in the same house. Jaireem are in long distance relationship but it's going good. Me and Sid love each other sooo much and can't live without each other a single day 😂. That's how we are. We keep visiting our families in between too.

Well you must be thinking about Aaru na. Actually everything's not the same as we thought it would be. I mean we never got time to go to London because of our work and he too never got time to meet us. Ya we didn't meet at all in these years. He's been very busy lately. We don't even talk so much on call now. I miss him 😔 I last talked to him a week ago I guess but it was also quite short. Since then he's not been picking calls. 😔

I wish we could get those old days back once again. I don't know when I  will meet him but I am dieing to meet him. I wonder how he would be. I never asked on call but I want to know that has he moved on. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a voice.

Sid (shouting) - Avuuuu where are you?

Avu (shouting back) - In room

He came towards me with a tie. I know what he wants.

Sid - Yaar please help me tie this.

He pointed to the tie in his hands. I took it and started setting it.

Avu - When will you learn to do it yourself? 😂 Are you still a baby or what?

Sid - Yes your baby.

I shaked my head.

Avu - Too cheesy. Btw today pant, shirt and tie why such a change in dressing style.

Sid - Today's an official meeting.

Avu - Oooo. It's done btw.

He hugged me.

Sid - Thanks baby. I love you.

Avu - I love you too. Now go or else you will get late.

Sid - After a kiss.

I knew there was no point to argue so I smashed my lips on his. We kissed for a while and then broke the kiss. He gently kissed my forehead.

Sid (smiling) - Bye.

Reem had already left for her dance classes. She teaches dance to students in morning. Sid too left. I got ready and left for my office too.

Time skip

My phone beeped with a message. It was Sid's message.

Sid - Come home soon darling. Waiting for you❤️

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