Chapter 40 - Frustation

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Guys anyone knows how to shut the mouth of RimaKhan2. Or else I will get mad 😨😵😵😵😵😵😵If you know please tell me 😵😵😵😵

Anyways how is the new cover? It's made by Siva_the_Sidneetian. I loved it a lot and I love you so much muahh. 💕💕💕I just wanted to change so I asked her.

Avneet's POV

I came back home and currently am sitting in my room lost in my thoughts. What is happening to me? Why Sid affects me so much? What is this unknown feeling that rises in me when I am with him? Why I get lost in his eyes? Why I only took him to that place when I never even took my sister there? These all are creating turmoil in my mind.

I have so many problems to solve. I have to figure out whats wrong with my sister? Whats wrong with Aarav? And lastly what's wrong with me? This shit is so irritating. Lets go to mom first maybe she can help me clearing one problem at least.

I went downstairs and saw my mother in kitchen. I went and tapped her shoulder.

Sonia - What happened?

Avu - Mom come sit here with me.

I took her to sofa in the hall and made her sit and I sat beside her. I took her hand in mine.

Avu - Mom I want to ask you something. Please answer me.

Sonia - What are you going to ask? You look so serious.

Avu - Why don't di calls and talks to me like before? Do you get her call or she doesn't talk with anyone?

I saw her face tensed up. God I know that she knows something but isn't telling me.

Avu - Tell me na mom.

Sonia - Beta..vo.. You know her na she does what she wants. She only does everything according to her own will. I can't do anything in that. Huh.

The way she answered looked like she is taunting her. I don't understand what is the problem between these two and why mom keeps on taunting di.

Avu - Mom I know her very well even more than you know her. I am asking that does she call you or do you know that reason of her behaving like that. So please answer my question.

Sonia (rudely) - You see your tone while speaking. She doesn't call me and I don't know anything. Now no more discussion on this topic.

She went with that. She always does that. Ugh. I am so fucking angry right now. Hundred and one percent she knows the reason but she isn't telling me. One moment she behaves like she is the sweetest person and other moment she behaves like this. That's what I was saying she never made me feel so loved and my father doesn't have time for me. He comes so late afterall. I again came back in my room and I am so frustated that I feel like banging my head. Ok calm down. I should talk to someone but who? Sid? No I was with him only today. He needs family time. I will call Aaru. He picked up in two rings.

On call :

Aarav - Hi Avu.

Avu - Hi Aaru. Are you free?

Aarav - Yeah. What happened?

Avu - Please come to my house yaar. I am very irritated.

Aarav - Okay but what happened?

Avu - You come then only I will tell.

Aarav - Okay.

Call ended.

Yeah he is coming. He is so sweet. He comes for me whenever I ask him leaving all his work. I sighed as I waited for him. I was going through my phone as I opened gallery and saw my photos with my siblings. Awwh man. I miss them. Tears came in my eyes seeing our pictures. I heard the door clicking and saw Aaru. He came towards me.

Aarav - Avu what happened? Why are you crying?

He said as he cupped my face. I could see so much care and something unknown in his eyes. I didn't say anything but just hugged him and started sobbing. He hugged me back saying nothing as he understood that I need to calm down first. After a while I calmed down. I don't know why I am crying so much today. What else to do when your life is full of miseries? When someone genuinely cares for me then too I start crying because of seeing so much care.

Aarav - Are you okay now?

I nodded. Then I told him everything. He looked confused.

Aarav - Avu I know that something is wrong. You can't do anything for now. Neither your parents nor your sister is telling you. Wait for them to tell and don't cry for same thing again and again.

Avu - Aaru I am trying to tell that only that I love my sister the most in this world and I can't live without her.

Aarav - Avu sometimes we have to let go the ones whom you love the most for their happiness.

(Ouch that hurts man. 😭😭😢💔💔)

I nodded. He is right. If di is happy then I should also understand and leave it. Till the time she is happy its okay.

I rested my head on his shoulder and said.

Avu - Thank you so much Aaru. Why you leave all your work for me?

Aarav - Its okay Avu. As long as it concerns you I can never be busy. Nothing is more important for me than you Avu.

He said and looked away as if hiding something. That unknown emotion in his eyes was reflected way too much when he was speaking that. But what is that? I didn't realise when I fall asleep.

POV ends.

Aarav's POV

I was so worried when Avu called me. It pricked my heart to see her crying. I somehow calmed her down. Currently she was sleeping peacefully on my shoulder and I was staring her. She is so innocent. I don't understand why everything happens with her. Only I know how much she crys and craves for love.

I wished I could tell you that I love you from the bottom of my heart, that I can do anything for your happiness and that these tears are very precious for me. But I can't because its one sided and it always will remain one sided.

Don't worry Avu. I will make sure that you both realise your feelings in this preparation. Your happiness lies in Buddy Avu and I will help you get that happiness. At least I can do that for you.

I carefully tucked her in and left for my home.

POV ends.

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In the chapter I only liked Aarav's part rest was boring according to me. It was kinda filler to show you guys that something is coming up.

The reason Avu is not realising is that she has many things to worry about and until and unless her siblings problem don't solve she can't realise.

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Love you all. ❤ ❤


See you soon.

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