Chapter 34 - Music and Romance

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Hey guys

I hope you love this chapter. rajvi_29 helped me a bit with scene because I suck at even tinsy minsy romance. Love ya bestie. ❤❤

Updated because of Siva_the_Sidneetian. I love you thats why updated.😒 I won't update tomorrow.

tanvi__0510 take a break yaar but please don't leave. I beg you. 😢😢😢😢

Lets start,

Next day,

Siddharth's POV

It's been a year since our friendship started. I am so happy. I know I am changed but I am happy about it. Whether I agree or not it's because of Avneet. I changed because of her or maybe for her. Her thoughts have changed me. She has some unknown pain in her heart which I have assumed to be because of some family problems. I still didn't ask her thinking that if she is comfortable she will tell me. But I am curious about it. I can't see her like that. I want her to be happy.

About my family, everyone is happy. Vaish bhabhi is 2 months pregnant. The day I learnt it I was literally jumping. I will become chachu. That happiness was beyond world. I still remember that the first person whom I called on that day was Nakchadi. She  was also over delighted listening to this. My family has got mad. They always keep suggesting me that I should marry Nakchadi and I love her. Can't they understand we are just friends?

But sometimes I ask myself. Are we just friends?

Ughh leave it all. I will get mad. I have to go pick up Nakchadi and then go to college. You must be thinking why me as Bro used to pick and drop her. Actually the thing is after Sehban proposed Reem, she decided to come and go with him. So I had to come alone. When mom got to know about this, she asked me no no actually forced me to pick and drop Avu. She lives nearby only so I agreed. That's how we ended up together again. I wonder what connection we have. I get some weird feeling when I am with her and I can feel that she too feels the same by seeing her face and expressions. Reem teases us the most. She becomes really irritating at times.

Again I am lost in my thoughts. If I get late that Nakchadi will kill me. Ughhh again Nakchadi when will she leave my mind? I should go down before I start thinking about her again.

I went downstairs and saw my mom setting breakfast on the dining table. I went and hugged her.

Sid - Good morning Ma.

Vibha - Good morning Beta.

Soon Bhai and Bhabhi too came down and I went and hugged them both. For some reason I was very happy today. I don't know why.

Abhi - What happened chote? Why are you so happy today?

Sid - I don't know why but I am very happy today.

Vaish - It's good na.

Sid - Yeah

We did breakfast quickly and I went to pick up Avu. I reached after sometime and went inside the house. I saw aunty so I greeted her.

Sid - Namaste Aunty.

Sonia - Namaste Beta. Avu is not ready today. She woke up a bit late. You wait in hall. She will come.

Sid - Okay Aunty.

Ughh Nakchadi ki bacchi. If I would have been late toh she would have fought with me a lot and now she is late. And if I say her so her answer will be I am a girl and I have right to be late. Wow. Discrimination.😒😒

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