Chapter 11 - Aarneet ❤❤

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Don't kill me for this chapter. There is a purpose. :(

Next morning,

Avu wake up due to her alarm. She saw the time and got shocked 8:20 AM.

Avu - Ohh my god, class starts at 9 AM. I have to get ready asap. How I got so late? Uggh Because of that Bandar. He didn't even let me sleep. 😤😤

(Is she mad? Did her bandar asked her to think about him. She herself did that. How can she blame Sid then? Justice for Sid. 😂😂😂)

She got ready in 20 mins. Comeon not every girl takes too much time to get ready 😂😂. She was going down to have breakfast when she got a call from Aarav.

On call

Aaru - Avu, I am waiting outside. Come fast.

Avu - Why are you waiting outside? And which outside? Outside the college.

Aaru - You forgot. I told you I will come to pick you up.

Avu - Oops sorry. But I have to eat breakfast. I woke up really late today.

Aaru - What yaar we are already late. Do one thing bring your breakfast in the car and eat here only.

Avu - Ohh good idea. You have got some brain in these many years.

Aaru - I was born intelligent.

Avu - Ya ya sure. Chal I am coming. Bye.

Aaru - Bye.

Avu (to Sonia) - Mom I am pathetically late. I have to leave. Give me breakfast. I will eat while going. Aaru has come to pick me up.

Sonia - Ok wait.

She gave her breakfast.

Sonia - Bye take care beta.

Avu - Thank you mom.

She hugged her.

Avu - Bye dad.

Aman - Bye beta.

He kissed her forehead and she left.

She reached outside and saw Aarav waiting for her in the car. She went and sat inside the car. Aarav quickly started driving.

Aaru - Why do you have to be so late?

Avu - Comeon I was bidding bye to mom dad. It took time.

Aaru (mockingly)- It took time.

She slapped his arm. He chuckled.

She started eating her breakfast.

Avu (in between eating) - Wen ill ee beach? (When will we reach?)

Aaru - What? Either eat or talk.

She quickly gulped in the food and said.

Avu - When will we reach?

Aaru - Just 5 mins.

Avu - Ok.

She was eating while a hair strand fall on her face. She tried removing it but couldn't because her hands were dirty. Aarav saw that. He went near her. He gently removed her hair strand and was lost in her eyes.

Aaru - You look beautiful.

Avu was trying to figure out what just happened when she saw that he was looking at her. She snapped her fingers infront of his eyes. He came back to senses and realised how close he was. He quickly backed off and was embarrassed.

Avu saw her face and chuckled.

Avu - Focus on driving. I don't want to die so soon. And thanks.

She had finished her food by now and cleaned her hands.

Aaru - Sure and ummm sorry for that.

Avu - Its ok. Don't be embarrassed.

They reached the college and as they were already late, they ran for their respective classes.

They reached the college and as they were already late, they ran for their respective classes

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So how was the chapter?

Death threats?

I warned you in last chapter only. Comeon Aarav needs to fell in love with her.

Ok so harispanicker, rajvi_29, priyaxsidneet, ammixy, loveusidneet and Foxy_focus. I was thinking we all had a madness attack yesterday as well as today. There were other people as well but they don't read my story so I didn't tag them. 😂😂😂😂 And we tagged you as well tanu. tanvi__0510 why didn't you came?

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Love you all ❤❤


See you soon.

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