Chapter 36 - Concern and Fun

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jmpAparna ate my head for this chapter 🙄🙄🙄🙄

Avneet's POV

I don't know but something isn't right. Aarav came to college and left without meeting us. How is that possible? Already I am not able to understand that what's happening to him and now this. Though Sid told me to not to think too much but I know something is not right. I know Aarav very well. I can sense something is wrong.

Right now I am sitting in my room thinking all this. I came with Sid only. It was too awkward at first after that morning incident. But we have decided to not to make it awkward and behave normal. Whenever I think about the morning incident it makes me smile for some reason that I don't know.

She slept thinking about all this.

Skips to next morning in college

I was currently in the canteen thinking about my life and Reem is sitting beside me. Why my life is so mysterious? I know there is something that my sister is hiding but what I don't know. I know that something is wrong with Aarav as well but what I don't know. My mind is messed up. I have headache right now and Sid has gone to get me a coffee. He is so sweet I know.

I was sitting when I saw Aaru coming. I went and stood in front of him.

Avu - What happened to you yesterday?

Aaru - I was just having headache.

Avu - If you had headache you would have atleast told any one of us before going back home.

Aaru - Its nothing Avu. I told you you are over thinking.

Avu (holding his hand now) - I am not over thinking because I know how you are.

Aaru - Avu just leave it na. Why do you care so much?

Avu (angrily) - Because I am your best friend and I know how you are. You don't want me to care, then okay bye.

POV ends

She left his hand and went from there angrily. Aarav sighed.

Aarav - I didn't mean that yaar.

He said. Reem came towards him and put hand on his shoulder and said.

Reem - We all know that you are hiding something and there is something bothering you. But I won't force you to tell. She cares about you a lot Aarav. Thats why she is bothered. You shouldn't have said that.

Aarav - I know.

He said as he held his head. Sid was watching all this.

Aarav's POV

Ughhh. What have I done now but that care melts me. Knowing that your love cares about you a lot makes it too difficult to control your emotions. But I know she cares for me as I am her best friend. I can't let that relation get affected just because of me loving her.

POV ends.

Siddharth's POV

Avu has been stressed since yesterday just on a small thing that Bro didn't tell us before going. I don't know what's wrong with her. Even if he is hiding something then she should wait until he tells her the same way I am waiting for her to tell me. Why the hell she has to think that only? Huh? There are many other topics to think about.

I went to bring a coffee for her. I was waiting for coffee to come when I saw him coming. Poor Bro. Now she will shower him with questions. He came and as expected Avu was asking him about yesterday. I couldn't hear what they are talking but I can assume. I am smart you know.

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