Chapter 27 - Joker 😂

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Don't think too much about the title.😌😌. I don't want your brain cells to get damaged due to over thinking. 😂😂😂

Warning - Complete lame chapter. Don't curse me for that. 😂😂😂

P.s. I called harispanicker duffer. And everyone replied on that and I got various wishes like dumbo, bitch and alien and moron of course. 😂😂😂. I will mention clearly next time.

Ok so lets start,

Sidneet were in the canteen as one had her lecture free while other had bunked. 😂😌

Sid - You know our mothers knowing each other was so unexpected. I was so shocked.

Avu - Same here. Never expected something like that.

Sid - Mom says everything happens for a reason and unexpected things are the best.

(Tbh I remembered how aladdin used to say ammi kehti hai 😢😢)

Avu - What reason do you think is behind this and how this turned out to be best?

Sid - Idk maybe it was for you to bond well with bhai and bhabhi. Or maybe it was for you trusting me. It turned out to be best because I won your trust and we became friends.

He replied smiling.😊😊

Avu - You are very sweet Sid. Idk why you have to be asshole sometimes.

Sid - Heheh leave it na. I am stupid. You only said na forget all that and let's have a new start.

Avu - Hmm ok. Leave it.

They were talking only when bell rang. They went to their classes and somehow the classes got over and now it was break.

All of them came in the canteen.

Avu hugged Reem as soon as she saw her.

Avu - Hi Reem.

Reem - Hi Avu.

Avneet just smiled looking at Sid and Aarav. 😊😊

Aaru - Hi buddy.

Sid - Hi bro. Having headache?

Aaru - Ya. It just sucks.

Sid - I know right. Me and Nakchadi were also having bad headache. Have coffee it will help. We did the same.

Reem - Wait will anyone tell me why all of you are having headache?

Avu - Coz we didn't sleep at night.

Sid - Because of you Nakchadi.

Avu - You are saying as if I was only one who enjoyed last night. You guys also did.

Reem - What are you talking about?

Aaru - Wait let me tell you. I don't want these two to start fighting again. Already I am having headache.

He then told her everything - their mothers' long lost connection and last night at garden.

Reem - Ohh wow.

While he was telling her all that, Avneet brought a coffee for him and soon as he finished telling she forwarded the coffee to him and said.

Avu - Tadda. Have a seat and then have this coffee. It will make you feel better.😊😊

Aaru - Thanks Avu.

Avu - Well you are having headache because of me. So I should say sorry but I am not saying. So cut the crap and have it. Tell me your orders. Me and Sid will bring. Right Sid?

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