Thanking note...❤️

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So we have finally come to the end.
I can't believe this book ended. I have so many memories attached to this book. I have got so much love on this that I never imagined. This book taught me a lot and I improved my writing really very much.

This book blessed me with so amazing friends and supporters. I can't tag everyone but this book only gave me besties like rajvi_29 and snowqissed

There are many other people but I am sorry I can't tag you all. I will really really miss this book.

Honestly saying so this book had become a burden for me now that's why I ended it so fast. 😔

My special thanks to all my loyal readers. I had discontinued the book once but after that also you all supported me. I was really irregular with my updates but you all cooperated. This means a lot to me. And I can't thank you enough for being so patient with me.

This was my first and last book. It will always stay as a beautiful memory with me. Love you all.

Final wala good-bye 👋👋.

Thank you so so so much💖💖🤧🤧

I would love if you would share your honest reviews on this book 💖

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