Twenty Four

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"Be on the lookout! All riders assume formation!" Erwin's powerful voice resounded, the horses breaking apart at his command

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"Be on the lookout! All riders assume formation!" Erwin's powerful voice resounded, the horses breaking apart at his command.

The Scouts rode, red clouds forming from the flares that were sent into the sky at a rapid pace.

They found them, Amelia noted as she caught sight of the signal.

The theories had been spot on; Reiner and Bertholdt were hiding, needing to rest after their fight with Eren.

Lucky us.

They redirected their course toward the lush forest, a bright light bursting from the thickness of the luscious trees.

"Someone has transformed- do not engage with other titans! Grab Eren and get the hell out of there!" Erwin demanded, Amelia rolling her neck to loosen her stubbornly sore muscles.

Calm down, don't let what happened with Levi shake you.

Amelia came next to Erwin, Hannes leading hers and Levi's squad. Her superior persistently insisted that she and him tag team, when he mostly was still worried about her possible lingering injuries. Erwin knew he probably should've made Amelia remain at base (not that she'd actually listen), but with Levi out of commission, they could use all the help they could get.

The duo pushed forward as they searched along the edge of the woods, searching for any sign of the Eren. Amelia's small frame bounced with each trot Isabel provided, the brisk wind nitpicking her features. The cool gust of air completely encompassed her, cheeks flaring a bright pink hue that hid the freckles littered across her button nose. Her short annoying locks rambunctiously swayed from the breeze, the green cape loosely swinging on her shoulders. Hazel eyes focused on the horizon in front of her, Amelia held the leather reigns firmly, knuckles turning white from the tight grasp. Her body was obnoxiously exhausted, yet she refused to take a moment to rest. Though it didn't matter now; she had no choice but to fight, unless she wanted to be killed.

Suddenly, another all too familiar explosion could be seen peeking through the green leaves.

That can't be good, she took a deep breath, attempting to calm her nerves.

Amelia ☾ [L. Ackerman X OC]Where stories live. Discover now