4.17 The Second Task

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The next morning I wake up and get ready for the second task. I change into my uniform then walk out into the common room. My house parades me as I come down the stairs. I search for Draco but I still can't find him. I see Blaise and I let out a breath from the familiarity.

"Blaise." I run over to him.

"Big day." He smiles at me.

"I know, nerve wracking." I gulp. "Have you seen Draco?"

"No, I haven't seen him since the day before last." Blaise tells me as I begin to walk with him.

"Me neither, I'm a bit nervous. Walk me to the challenge will you?" I ask him shyly.

"Of course Opes." Blaise winks.

"You're special Zabini." I laugh at him as we make our way out to the challenge.

"Someone has to watch over Malfoy's girl." Blaise looks at me and I roll my eyes. "Wait have you even had breakfast?"

"No, I'm too nervous." I shake a little.

"That's not good for you." Blaise begins to laugh and I shove him a little. We make it out to the lake and I take a gulp before I join the other champions. "You'll do great, the whole house is here supporting you." Blaise gives me a weak smile. I turn to see Slytherins pouring into the area surrounding the lake. I then turn back to the daunting lake before me and approach it.

"Harry!" I run over and hug him. "Boy am I glad to see you."

"You too." Harry weakly smiles at me, but still hugs me back. "I can't seem to find Ron and Hermione still."

"Interesting, at least I know they aren't just avoiding me." My smile darkens to a frown.

"Y/n," Harry looks at me.

"Yes Harry?" I turn eagerly, wanting some sort of answer.

"I think they just need time, we all need time." Harry looks at the ground.

"Well I need my friends Harry. Why don't you tell them that when you see them. I just need my friends, and I thought you guys were my best friends." I stare at the ground too.

"Y/n it's not—" Harry begins but Dumbledore cuts him off.

"Welcome to the second task. Two nights ago something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure of sorts. These five treasures, one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the black lake. In order to win each champion need only find their treasure and return to the surface. Simple enough. Except for this, they will have one hour to do so and one hour only. After that they'll be on their own." Dumbledore explains as I begin to put the pieces together.

"Oh my god." My eyes widen and I turn to Harry, to tell him that our friends are down there. I see Harry put gilliweed in his mouth, then choking. "Harry!" I try to put my arm around him.

"You may begin at the start of the cannon."Dumbledore announces, but I ignore as Harry is struggling to breathe. The cannon fires and the other champions enter the water, three of them dive in while Mad-Eye pushes Harry. I stare at the water the struggling boy just entered and I worry for his life.
Harry then shoots out of the water, flies into the air like a dolphin and the crowd cheers.

"Ms. Opes, the task has begun." I see Snape and Dumbledore approach me quickly. I try to clear my thoughts to think of the task.

"Yes, yes I know." I gulp and pull out my wand.

"There is a time constraint, I suggest you hurry." Dumbledore pats my shoulder then walks away.

"No helping the champions!" Igor scolds and I give him a smug shrug. Snape still stares at me.

"Ms. Opes...remember the task at hand." I look up at Snape and he just looks confused.

"If you could back away, professor." I chuckle and he does so willingly.

"Of course." Snape holds his hands up and backs away.

I keep a firm grip on my wand, conjure my happy memory then, "Expecto Patronum!" I shout and my Hippogriff exits my wand beautifully. He begins prancing around me and then stops, assuming I have a message. Over the practice time my patronus has developed a pretty suitable relationship with me. He waits for my command and understands control, he'll do what I tell him. Or rather, I'll do what I tell myself? I'm still not very sure of the process. "Tell the merpeople to return my treasure please. I believe it to be Draco Malfoy. If he's not down there, then come back and let me know." I nod at my patronus and the Hippogriff flies into the water. The crowd gasps of amazement.

"Can she do zhat?" I see Madam Maxime ask the judges.

"No guarantee that Ms. Opes patronus message to the merpeople will work," Dumbledore winks at me, "but we shall see.

"It's a spell, so it's perfectly legal." Barty Crouch decrees.

I sit on the edge of the dock and wait, wait for someone to come up, wait for Draco or my patronus to return. 10 minutes go by and someone pops up, it's Fleur, but she's empty handed. She gets out of the water quickly, shivering and going on and on about her sister. My eyes widen at that statement and I search the crowd for Mel. I begin acting frantic until I find her and I let out a deep breath. She waved to me smiling widely and I wave back. I then see her yell something. I can't hear everything but her lips seem to say 'Draco took my place'. I smile at this statement, Draco made sure Mel wouldn't be hurt or bartered, that's so sweet.

I turn back to the water and see my patronus pop out, and hover there. I keep my eyes peeled as a blonde wet mess gasps for air. I immediately run and jump into the water after him. I swim over and help Draco to the ladder to get up, he's coughing violently. Once we get onto the dock we are given towels to wrap around ourselves.

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