3.3 Tea Leaves

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I sit next to Draco for the feast. My thoughts are once again being consumed by how he's changed. That tiny crush I want to go away is now back and bigger than ever. I try to act normal around him. We talk about summers and everything that has happened.

"I'm glad you're okay...from the train." He whispers to me. I smile.

"I'm glad you were there." I whisper back. Then I turn around and see Harry, Ron and Hermione looking at me.

"Potter...Potter!" Draco whispers to him. Harry turns to look at Draco. "Is it true you fainted? You actually fainted?" He mocks and his goons pretend to faint next to him. I hit Draco's shoulder and Harry lightens up a bit.

"Shove off Malfoy." Ron snarls and turns Harry around. I mouth the words 'Sorry' to Hermione.

"Draco you can't treat them like that." I tell him.

"Oh please, like they haven't said anything mean to me or about me." He snaps back, and I slowly nod. Dumbledore's begins to speak.

"As you know, we are presently hosting Dementors at our school, who are here on Ministry of Magic business. They are stationed at every entrance. I advise no students to sneak out, dementors cannot be fooled by tricks or disguises-even invisibility cloaks." He explains, gazing towards us four. "On a happier note, we are welcoming two new teachers to Hogwarts. First, Professor Lupin has kindly agreed to fill the Defense Against the Dark Arts post. And finally, our Care of Magical Creatures professor has retired, but that position will be taken up by none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid." The Gryffindor table burts into applause. The feast begins and I shove my face with rolls and pumpkin tarts. The sausages are amazing and I can't seem to have enough. Draco turns to me, forcing me to add into the dull conversation about Dementors.

"I don't think they are necessary, Black won't get in here." I tell them. Blaise nods.

"This is Hogwarts we are talking about people." I smile to him.

"Besides, my dad will catch him." They give me questionable looks. "My dad will, he's the best there is out there." I tell them as Pansy begins to snicker. "What Pansy?" I ask her. Draco begins to look ill.

"Well, you see Y/n, my mom made me promise not to tell." He begins.

"Tell me what Draco?" I ask back and he doesn't answer as Pansy begins to snicker even more. I'm getting annoyed so I stand and yell. "Tell me WHAT?" I harshly ask and the entire Great Hall turns to look at me. Draco pulls me down and whispers. "Get Mel." He says. I stand up, all eyes on me, the third year, walking over to the Hufflepuff table.

"Hey Mel, can you come talk to Draco and I?" I whisper to her, but then a prefect walks over.

"Can I help you?" He asks me, noticing I made my way to the table during the opening feast, where it is very uncommon for people to one, cause a scene and two, get up and leave. I look up and recognize the handsome boy. He's the Hufflepuff seeker, no doubt a 5th year and newly made prefect.

"I'm sorry I just came to get my sister." I tell him and he looks shocked.

"Oh, sorry I didn't know she was your sister. Carry on Opes." He states. I pull up Mel and begin to walk off but turn to him.

"Just because you're a prefect, doesn't mean you have to act this formal, be who you are." I tell him and he smiles. His shoulders relax a bit, I understand him wanting to make people proud while being a prefect, but we can't have another Percy running around the school. I take my sister and squat her next to Draco.

"Now what Draco." I plead.

"Your dad, he's missing." He states and my world begins to fade, my dad, looking for a notorious mass murderer, is missing. I gulp and my sister begins to tear up.

"Hey, he's still alive I know it. He's going to be fine." I tell her trying to remain strong. Snape suddenly walks up to the table.

"This is all very troubling news isn't it...but I suggest that you...Ms. Melis make your way back with the Hufflepuffs." Snape says, my sister gets up and leaves. Harry, Ron, and Hermione make eye contact with me, asking what's going on and I shake my head.

"Professor, how long has this been going on?" I ask him. He looks to me with an ounce of sympathy.

"Since he left this holiday to search for...Black." He says the name with such disgust. I gulp and Snape returns to his seat. Draco looks at me with sympathy.

"Is that why you never wrote?" I asked Draco.

"Yes." Is all he answers before the feast ends. I stand and quietly make my way to the common room, ignoring everyone before finding my bed, and drifting to a deep sleep.

The next morning I wake up, exhausted and make my way to the Great Hall to sit next to Harry, Ron and Hermione. We are comparing our schedules when Draco, Pansy, and company walk up. Draco fake faints and I give him a stare.

"Ignore him." Hermione tries. Pansy decides to open up her big mouth.

"Potter! Hey Potter the Dementors are coming!" She shouts. I have had enough of the pug face so I take out my wand and swish it a little, wishing for a rope to tie around her legs and it does. "Who was that?" She scrambles, trying to pry off the rope.

"Pansy I didn't hear anyone mutter a spell, must have been an accident with your wand." I sass back and she seems to believe me. Once they leave Hermione, Ron and Harry give me high fives.

"That was bloody good!" Ron states.

"What was?" Fred asks, scaring us.

"Well Y/n here hexed Pansy Parkinson." Ron states proudly and the twins turn to us.

"Way to go there snake." George adds proudly.

"Listen we have to run, but you four take care of yourselves." Fred ends, winking to me as he leaves. Ron rolls his eyes.

"Mione how are you going to take three classes at once?!" Ron squeals.

"Yeah it seems that Y/n already has a full schedule, yours is impossible?!" Harry observes. Hermione looks calm however and I know why. Snaps explained the rules to me in case I ever needed them.

"She will be fine you two." I say smiling at her. I look down at my watch. "Oh no! 10 minutes till Divination. Let's go." I add and we all hurry and make our way to the north tower. We climb up a silver ladder and settle into our seats.

"Welcome to Divination." Professor Trelawny begins. "This is an art where books can only take you so far. This gift only a few possess." She explains while Ron grins at Hermione. She turns to Pavarti. "Beware a red-headed man." And everyone immediately looks to Ron. "During second term we will be hit by the flu, then around Easter one will leave us forever." She states having everyone uneasy.
"So please, take the cup of the person sitting opposite you. What do you see? The truth lies buried like a sentence deep within a book, waiting to be read. But first, you must broaden your minds. First, you must look beyond." She begins as Hermione rolls her eyes. We turn to our teacups and begin to look inside. She turns to Ron and asks him to interpret with his inner eye.

"Oh, yeah. Um...Well, Harry's got sort of a wonky cross. That's trials and suffering. And that there could be the sun and that's happiness. So... you're gonna suffer, but you're gonna be... happy about it." Even I begin to laugh at this statement. The Professor takes the cup from him.

"Oh, my dear boy. My dear... you have the Grim." She yells.

"The Grin? What's the Grin?" Harry asks.

"Not the Grin, you idiot. The Grim. 'Taking form of a giant spectral dog. It's among the darkest omens in our world. It's an omen... of death.'" She answers. Harry gulps as I look at him worried. He did see a big dog that day. We spent transfiguration in silence, thinking about what occurred until we made our way to Care of Magical Creatures.

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