3.2 Dementors

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I wake up from a nightmare. I saw a dark, cloaked figure, what I believe to be a dementor. And I saw what was under it, the souls of the departed. Every life that the dementor has sucked out his under its cloak. My breathing is fast and heavy. Hermione struts inside my room only to be startled.

"Y/n, are you alright?" She asks me. I wipe sweat off of my forehead.

"Yeah, just a nightmare." I reply. I gather my things and head downstairs with her. The Weasley's and Harry are waiting for us. We put our trunks near the door and I put my eagle owl, Fassy, next to Hedwig and Hermes. Crookshanks was also there, hissing.

"It's okay Crookshanks, I'll let you out on the train." Hermione tells him.

"No you won't, what about Scabbers!" Ron shouts as Mrs. Weasley ignores their quarreling.

"Oh look the cars are here. Harry, Y/n, come on." She exclaims as we hop in and make our way to the train station. She explains that we will go in pairs through the portal. She goes first with Harry and I follow with Hermione.

"Penelope!" Percy shouts, excited and makes his way over to his girlfriend as I roll my eyes.

"Harry, Y/n" says Mr. Weasley quietly, "come over here for a moment. There's something I've got to tell you before you leave —" He adds, looking around.

"It's all right, Mr. Weasley," Harry explains. "We already know."

"How could you two know?" He asks us.

"We overheard you and Mrs. Weasley talking.." I tell him.

"That's not the way I'd have chosen for you to find out," he says looking anxious.

"It's okay, this means you haven't told us!" Harry states.

"Promise me you two won't go looking for him." Weasley sternly adds.

"Why would we-" Harry starts.

"We promise." I say. We all walk onto the train, looking for a compartment. Ginny is still following us., much to our dismay.

"I need to talk, privately." Harry mutters to us.

"Go away Ginny." Ron states and she sticks her tongue out at him. We begin to look for a compartment. Most of them seem full, until we find one with a sleeping man.

"I'll be back, I have to use the restroom." I state and they nod. I make my way over and use the restroom. On my way out I drop my wand. I bend down, pick it up and turn to go back but I crash into someone.

"Watch where your-" The voice starts.

"I'm so-" I look up from his chest to his face, he has a snake ring. It's Draco. Except he's taller, his blonde hair falls nicely on his head. His voice clearly got deeper. We both stop for a second and don't speak.

"You look-" We both say at the same time and chuckle a bit until silence hits us.

"So uh, how was the holiday? I visited many times, and you weren't there-"

"I was in America, studying and-" He cuts me off.

"Do you ever take a break Y/n-" He snaps and I'm caught off guard not knowing if he's being serious or not.

"Do you ever stop asking about me?" I fire back. His face turns bright red but he quickly tries to return to his 'cool boy' act. "Mel said you did every time you came over." I tease.

"You're my friend...I was just wondering where you were." He states.

"Good to see you too Draco." I say, turn and walk away. I can tell he's still looking at me. Let's just say my charm is one of my gifts, but even though I can seem so confident and captivating, my heart couldn't help but flutter when I saw him. He looks way better than he did the past two years, and we are finally getting old enough to maybe date...just maybe.

Snakes and Lions (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now