3.8 Godfather

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The next few days are spent with seeing Harry in the hospital wing for a long time. Then those days passed into weeks, and soon enough the end of the term was near. They gave us one final weekend at Hogsmede before the holidays. I decided to spend this one with Ron and Hermione.

Once in Hogsmede, we visit Honeydukes for Harry. Hermione pulls out blood lollipops.

"D'you think Harry would want these?" She asks us.

"Those are for vampires, Hermione!" I chuckle, then Ron pulls out Cockaroach Clusters.

"How about these?" Ron asks us and Hermione vomits in her mouth.

"Definitely not." A voice appears.

"Harry! What are you doing here!" Hermione whisper-yells.

"You can apparate?" Ron excitedly asks.

"No...no." Harry begins. Then he pulls us into a corner showing us something called the Marauder's Map. 

"Messers Mooney, Wormtail, Howler, Padfoot, and Prongs?" I ask Harry and he shrugs.

"Whoever they were, they're geniuses!" Ron jumps.

"You have to hand it back." Hermione states and we all roll our eyes.

"He can't Hermione, it's too good." Ron says and we all nod. She has been outvoted today.

"But what about Sirius Black, he could use the passageways." Hermione fights us.

"He'll see him coming, for both of us." I smile at Harry. We finish buying our treats.

"Harry, up for your first butterbeer?" I ask and he nods excitedly. We make our way over to the Three Broomticks.

"I'll go get the drinks from Madam Rosmerta." Ron replies happily and gets us our drinks. We chat and drink until we see all the teachers enter. Harry quickly puts on his cloak and we all relax. Although we do see Harry get up, knock over his butterbeer and follow the teachers. We continue talking.

"Hermione, you won't tell anyone, right?" I double check.

"Yes, for now I won't get anyone in trouble." She lifts her head. I roll my eyes again, but Harry doesn't return. Instead, we see someone leave the pub and tracks in the snow. We run after him and sit down.

"Harry?" Hermione asks as we follow him further away from the town. We are now closer to the Shrieking Shack.

"Harry?" I ask again when we see the footprints stop. Hermione reaches over and grabs the cloak off of him. He's crying. We all sit next to him and try to comfort him. I rub my hand along his arm. "Harry what's wrong?"

"It's Black, my parents had the Fidelious Charm, he was the Secret Keeper, he killed them. He gave them away and killed them." Harry cries softly. We all lean down, sadden. Then Harry turns to me, his eyes red. "It's worse than that Y/n, Sirius Black is our godfather." I gasp at the news.

"M-my dad's missing, you don't think Sirius got to him?" I ask, my voice breaking. Hermione grabs my shoulders.

"No Y/n, no, I bet since your dad knows Black, he was going away from the ministry to catch him." She says.

"Yeah, that has to be it." Ron smiles weakly. I get up and walk away.

"I'm sorry guys I just need a minute..." I say and I get up, walk over somewhere else and sit in the snow. I look up at the cloudy sky and talk out loud to myself. "Dad please come home, please. Be alive." I say to myself and continue crying, but then out of the woods, a coyote approaches me. I slowly begin to back away, getting scared because it is slowly walking towards me. All of a sudden someone grabs me and pulls me behind a tree, and the coyote runs away. I turn, "Harry?!" I question and he nods.

"I had to come after you Y/n. You shouldn't be alone." He says looking me in the eye.

"Thank you." I nod and wipe my tears away. "Now let's get back to Ron and Hermione. We approach the old spot we were at to see Ron and Hermione admiring the Shrieking Shack. Then we here a voice.

"Well, well. Look who's here. You two shopping for your new dream home? Bit grand for you, isn't it, Weasle-Bee? Don't your family sleep in uh... one room?" Draco taunts and I quickly pull Harry's cloak over him.

"Shut your mouth Malfoy." Ron snaps as Harry and I slowly approach the conversation.

"Shut your mouth, Malfoy.

"Not very friendly. Boys, I think it's time we teach Weasle-Bee how to respect his superiors." Draco continues with Crabbe and Goyle behind him.

"Hope you don't mean yourself!" Hermione fires back.

"How dare you talk to me! You filthy little mudblood!" Draco says but a snowball hits his friends. It's Harry.

"Who is that?" He asks slightly frightened. I come out from behind the tree.

"Draco go back." I try as Harry throws more snowballs. Draco turns to me with surprise.

"Don't stand there! Do something!" He commands to his goons. Then Harry pulls down Crabbe's pants, then kicks Goyle, but I run over and grab Draco's hand, pulling him away. Hermione and Ron look upset at this.

"Draco please go." I beg and he looks confused.

"D'you know what's going on?" He asks me then turns to see his friends gone. At this point though, Harry's cloak has fallen off his face, leaving him exposed. "Potter." He states then I shove him and he runs along.

"Oh no!" Hermione shouts.

"Malfoy knows, he'll tell Snape." Ron worries.

"Oh no he won't, I'll take care of it, you three." I snarl. "And Hermione, I won't let him call you a Mudblood, but a word of advice, he will only use it if he thinks it gets under your skin. You're a strong girl Hermione, you needn't worry about it." I walk away from them, chasing Draco down. "Draco! Draco!" I shout and he doesn't slow down. I keep running but he is running too. I eventually catch up so I tackle him to the ground. He flips over and I am on top of him. "Draco you listen to me!" I snap and he just smirks.

"Well look at this." He smiles and then I realize what just happened. I quickly get off of him, blushing ferociously.

"Please don't tell anyone about Harry." I beg and he looks confused.

"Why shouldn't I?" He asks.

"Because bad things could happen to Harry." I try but he scoffs.

"I want that to happen Y/n." He snaps but then I take his hand into mine.

"Well I don't Draco." I say looking into his grey eyes. "Please don't, for me." I bat my eyelashes causing him the laugh.

"Only for you Opes." He smiles. "Now let's get back to Hogwarts." He holds out his arm and I gladly take it as we walk back to school.

Snakes and Lions (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now