4.2 The World Cup

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{SURPRISE chapter! I hope you enjoy it!!}

I wake up the next morning to Hermione's annoying alarm. This is one reason I'm happy I'm a Slytherin, I live in different dorms. We quickly get dressed. Hermione's wearing a pink shirt, beige jacket, and jeans. Ginny puts on an orange shirt, green jacket, and jeans. I decide upon a dark green cord jacket with a white shirt, and jeans.

"Ready?" Ginny asks us as we nod.

"Oh the boys!" Hermione shouts and drags me along to their room. She bursts in, clearly waking them up. "Honestly. Get dressed, and don't go back to sleep. Come on Ron! Your mother says breakfast's ready!!" She yells at them as they scramble awake. We head down to eat the delicious pancakes and bacon, Harry and Ron get down about 5 minutes later. Suddenly something flies through the air.

"Heavens!" Mrs. Weasley shouts, turning to look at the twins. "If I hear one more thing about this joke shop, or see one more product you're dead!" She screeches.

"Do I want to know?" I whisper to Ron.

"In good time." He responds. We finish up the rest of breakfast then follow Mr. Weasley outside, and we start walking.

"Where are we actually going?" Harry asks as we begin.

"Don't know. Hey Dad! Where are we going?" Ron huffs as we walk deeper and deeper into the woods.

"Haven't the foggiest, keep up!" Mr. Weasley responds, causing us to share confused looks.

"Arthur! It's about time son." A man announces standing next to Cederic, must be his father.

"Sorry Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start. This is Amos Diggory everyone, he works with me at the ministry. And this strapping young lad must be
Cedric, am I right?" Mr. Weasley responds.

"Yes sir." Cederic replies, shaking his hand. I can practically hear Hermione and Ginny giggle due to Cederic's obvious good looks.

"Merlin's beard, you must be Harry Potter." Amos admires him as I approach Cederic.

"Cederic, it's good to see you." I tell him and he smiles at me.

"You too Y/n."

"You make sure you take good care of my little sister this year okay?" I tease with him.

"I wouldn't promise anything less." He chuckles at me and winks, clearly turning on the charm. "Oh no, my father." His face grows of worry as we turn to his dad.

"My son beat the Harry Potter in quidditch. How's that for a great son eh? Beating Harry Potter at seeker..." Amos continues to boast about Cederic.

"Father, I didn't win fairly." Cederic scolds his dad and he quiets down. "Also, this is Y/n Opes, father." Cederic points to me and Amos shakes my hand.

"How wonderful to meet someone of your prowess. I am glad to see young Cederic is making some note worthy friends." He chuckles and lets go of my hand.

"The pleasure is mine sir." I respond. We continue to follow the men up a hill as Hermione and Ginny pull me behind with them.

"You know Cederic?" They ask me.

"Of course, he's in Melis's house." I smile back and they squeal like children.

"That's it. We're here." Mr. Weasley responds.

"Shall we? We don't want to be late." Amos replies as we gather around an old boot. I assume it's a port key.

"Why are they all standing around that
manky old boot?" Harry comments and I can't help but laugh.

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