5.07 Theory

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The next morning consists of me trying to avoid my house. I get up earlier than everyone else and make my way to the dining halls for breakfast. It seems to be necessary to fuel up before this class with Umbridge. When I go to sit at our house table, I'm the only 5th year present. I let out a sigh of relief, then plop down in a seat. I carefully eat my eggs, sausage, and scones, making sure that sleep does not become me again.

The dining hall begins to fill, so I decide to leave. My plan was to sit in the hallways before DADA starts and just read. I slip out of the dining hall before anyone can notice. I maneuver past Hermione, but her nose is too far up a book to notice. I just want to be left alone for a moment.

The silence comforts me for a while, however it breaks by the light clicking of heels. I turn to look at the scene before me. It turns out it's Umbridge on her way to the class. Once she gets close enough she addresses me.

"Ahh, Ms. Opes," she begins, "ready for another year at Hogwarts?"

"Of course, professor." I grit, continuing to read my book. "I can't wait to learn new spells."

"Well, we must be careful when one is learning and practicing spells. Some wizards and witches are known to be dangerous." Her smile and tone says the exact opposite of her eyes.

"I hope you are not insinuating that I am dangerous, professor." I finally break eye contact from my book and look at her.

"Of course not, just...speculating." She giggles.

"You clearly know who I am," I raise an eyebrow at her, "which means one phone call from me and you're out of here." I boldly say.

"Tsk, tsk," Umbridge shakes her head, "maybe before your parents died. Now you must realize that you don't have any power. Only the power to make the ministry upset over your outlandish statements."

I slam my book shut. That struck a nerve with me. I couldn't let her know she made me upset, so I had to fire back. "I still know the most powerful wizard families around the world, so you as much speak about my parents again—" I get cut off as Professor McGonagall approaches.

"Everything alright Dolores?" McGonagall asks.

"Just teaching students how to be polite." Umbridge giggles again.

"I'll have you know, Ms. Opes is one of the finest Hogwarts has ever seen. I do not deem her capable of disrespect." McGonagall sticks up for me. I can tell that Umbridge is getting mad at Minny so I stand.

"No, professor, it's my fault. Professor Umbridge and I simply had a misunderstanding. I now know the error of my ways." I force out of me.

"Hmm." Umbridge smiles, sticks her nose up and walks into her classroom.

"Professor, there's no need to help me." I turn to McGonagall.

"Why of course there is. I cannot tolerate the disrespect of you, Ms. Opes. You have great character. You are one of the brightest and most gifted students I've ever me. All of this, and you're a slytherin." She grins.

"Thank you." I laugh.

"Now, don't be late. You don't want any detention." She shoos me along.

I hurry along into DADA. Looking at all the classmate options to sit with. As always, this class has the Slytherins and Gryffindors. There's an empty seat next to Hermione, so I waste no time in taking it.

"Morning." I smile at her.

"Morning." She smiles back. "We didn't see you at breakfast."

"I was otherwise preoccupied." I grit, staring at the pink lady walking to her desk.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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