3.10 Quidditch Cup

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"Oh great." I roll my eyes as he does too. I run to my room and get ready for the most hyped match Hogwarts has seen. Apparently the old Gryffindor team has come to watch Harry. My mom and the Malfoy's are attending. We run down and begin warm ups before the captains walk up. Wood and Flint look menacingly at each other. The white pitch was full of tension. It was most of the hufflepuffs and ravenclaws cheering for Gryffindor. With my sister, a few other Hufflepuff's and an overwhelming number of Ravenclaw girls cheering for us because Cederic's decided to want us to win. Mel says that Cederic thinks I'm pretty neat. I turn to see Harry and give him a smile.

'Good Luck!' I mouth to him and he nods. We mount our brooms and launch into the air. It is a back and forth battle for the quaffle. Gryffindor is eventually up 30-0 and the Weasley twins are targeting me. Then 30-10, then 70-10. It was not looking good for us. Draco even got a penalty trying to hold onto Harry's new broom, the Firebolt, which I heard he got this morning. I catch the quaffle, much to Fred and George's dismay, and continue making my way towards the post. I could even see Wood gulp as I zoomed past his team. I twist and throw the quaffle.

"OPES SCORES!! Great player, but on the wrong team-THAT BRINGS THE SCORE TO 70-20." Lee groans. I turn to see Angelina has the quaffle now. Can my team really not help me out? I fight it from her and score again, and again, but Gryffindor has also been scoring. The score is now 70-60. I roll my eyes at the other players who are doing nothing. Then I see Draco wink at me and begin to dive. He's found the snitch!! Harry quickly dives after him and it's a battle that everyone is watching, we've even stopped playing the game to look at this. Harry leans down, his broom catching up to Draco's. Harry tried to knock Draco's arm away from the snitch but-they both tumble on the ground. Everyone is waiting for one to pop up with the snitch. Harry stands and brushes himself off, disappointed, as Draco beams and holds up the snitch.

"Well that's the game, Slytherin has won the Quidditch Cup." Lee mumbles. We all land and run to hug each other. We are all laughing and smiling of disbelief. Draco is hoisted into the air as our hero.

"We've won the cup!" We chant as Dumbledore approaches to give us the enormous trophy. I have even forgotten that my dad is missing, I'm so happy. We get the cup and our section roars, alone with a few others. My sister runs up and hugs me.

"You were amazing! Great job!" She cheers and then runs over to Draco. I look over and see Harry, Ron, and Hermione approach.

"Good job." Harry sulks.

"Harry you did great." I put my arm on his shoulder, then I turn to Hermione. "I'm sorry we won." I state.

"You played really well!" Ron cheers.

"Thanks Ronald. I really appreciate it." I tell him.

"You did play great, I'm glad if we couldn't get the cup, then you could." Hermione weakly smiles, and I accept her apology. Then I am engulfed by a sea of red.

"We tried to stop her didn't we Georgie-." Fred begins.

"But she's too good!" George finishes and they hug me.

"Thanks guys, don't worry, you'll get it next year." I smile to them. They are pretty positive boys, but I can tell they are bummed. "And you did stop me, I could barely move without avoiding a bludger." I chuckle. I see the Malfoy's congratulating Draco, so I walk over.

"Where's my mom?" I ask them and Narcissa hugs me.

"I'm so sorry dear but she had to go." She frowns.

"Oh, it's alright. Thanks for coming Aunt Cissy." I smile and Lucius turns to me.

"Good game Y/n." I nod and walk away from the pair. I look around to see Draco, we haven't had a moment alone yet. I keep looking until I bump into a block.

"Oh sorry." I state and look up, it's Cederic.

"Great game Opes. I was rooting for you." He smiles.

"Thank you Cederic. I appreciate it." I smile back and he continues standing there. "Uh...look out for my sister, won't you?" I ask and he nods, slowly walking away. I feel arms grab me from behind and spin me. I turn around. "Draco what are you doing?!" I shout at him.

"Well I'm celebrating can't you see? We've restored the Slytherin glory!" He cheers and I laugh.

After the Quidditch Cup, there was no time for rest. Exams were quickly approaching. I have the same exams as the trio.

"Okay so all of our exams are at the same times, besides my extra ones." I explain to them as they look over to Hermione. "Just ignore her schedule guys we need to study." They go back to listening to me. "Okay does anyone need help with potions?" I ask and they nod. I try to help them but it's no use. Once we get into the potions exam I make my Confusing Concoction perfectly, earning full marks from Snape. Then onto Arithmancy, which I believe I did well. Astronomy at Midnight. Tuesday brought Care of Magical Creatures, which we all passed, and Ancient Runes, where I translated correctly. Wednesday brought History of Magic, which went swimmingly, and that afternoon was Herbology. I believe I misidentified a plant, but that's not my best subject. And finally on Thursday we have DADA, where Lupin gave me full marks during the obstacle course, I used my Voldemort Boggart and made him look like a clown. Finally was Divination. Harry walks out seeming very dazed and confused. I walk in for my session and make up what see in the Crystal ball. Before I leave, Professor Trelawney grabs me.

"You must not follow the boy." She says in a grim trance. "You must not leave tonight, or you will die." She warns and I run away from her, out to see that Harry, Hermione, and Ron aren't waiting on me. I pout but go back to my dorms.

"Hey, how were your exams?" I turn and see Draco standing above the couch I'm on.

"Alright, yours?" I ask.

"Alright." He smiles back.

"Professor Trelawney told me I'd die." I joke and he laughs back.

"Well we should hope that won't happen." He replies, sitting down next to me. Suddenly a figure walks into the room

"Y/n, we need to talk." He states and I turn to see...my father?


Snakes and Lions (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now