4.7 Rita Skeeter

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The next morning I wake up and am bombarded by all of the room.

"How'd you do it? You got past Dumbledore! You're brilliant! You're the real Hogwarts champion!" I heard all at one as I rubbed the sleep off of my eyes.

"I didn't ask for this." I say, getting out of bed and going to the bathroom.

"Stop alarming her everyone!" A stern voice approaches, Pansy Párkinson.

"Pansy." I state when I walk out of the bathroom, changed into my robes.

"Y/n is in this thing now for good, and as Slytherins we must support her!" Pansy tells everyone and they nod back. "We must not let any of the other houses slander her name!" Pansy commands again. Once the commotion dies down I walk over to Pansy before I leave for breakfast.

"Thank you." I nod to her.

"You're welcome, we're Slytherins. Fraternity." She replies back, and sticks up her nose as I walk away. That girl really does confuse me. I guess it's good to have someone on your side, well until Draco comes and talks to me. I walk up the stairs from our dormitories and enter the common room.

"There she is! The Hogwarts Champion!" Blaise shouts over everyone. Everyone in the room begins to clap. I walk over towards Blaise a little confused.

"Blaise! I haven't won yet!" I whisper to him.

"But you'll win for sure. You're Y/n Opes." He assures me and I chuckle back.

"Against 3 kids older than AND Harry Potter!" I argue back.

"We have no doubts." I drawling voice approaches and I turn to see-

"Draco." I smile at him and he bows back.

"You're majesty." He jokes as he bows.

"Stop that!" I hit him. Draco gets all defensive then pulls me aside.

"How'd you do it?" He asks me.

"Draco I didn't! How many times do I have to tell people I didn't choose this!" My voice begins to get louder and people start to stare.

"Woahhh woah I believe you." He says in a hushed tone. He puts his hand on my shoulder and I stare at the gesture immediately, my face beginning to blush. "You're going to win, you have power these people couldn't even imagine having." He smiles at me. This seems to calm my nerves about what's going on.

"Want to come to breakfast with me?" I ask him and he nods. We begin to walk out the door as the door opens in front of us. It's Professor Snape, Professor McGonagall, and Harry.

"I'm sorry to interrupt...but Ms. Opes is needed for..her..interview." Snape commands and I give Draco a sorry look. I follow them and walk next to Harry as we roam the castle.

"Here, I brought you a pastry." He hands me a cheese danish. I quickly gobble it up, I was starving.

"Thank you Harry I didn't have any breakfast!" I smile at him and he blushes back.

"Yeah...I saw you weren't in the Great Hall; so when they got me I decided to grab something for you." He explains and I smile with gratitude. My smile quickly fades as another realization sets in.

"Ron. How'd Ron do?" I ask Harry and his smile fades as well.

"Not well-he kept mentioning how he didn't believe us and he's just my stupid no name friend." Harry sighs.

"Well you just have to keep trying Harry!" I encourage him but he gets angry and raises his tone.

"No! If Ron doesn't believe me that's his fault! Not much of a friend to not believe me." Harry mutters as we enter an empty classroom. Cederic, Fleur, and Krum are there waiting on us.

Snakes and Lions (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now