1.11 Norbert

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We return back to school after the Christmas break. The first thing I do when I get back is see Harry and Ron with Hermione.

"Harry!" We squeal, running up to him. He looks a bit disoriented.

"My scar, it's hurting, we need to see Hagrid." Harry yells. We all follow him down to Hagrid's hut. We enter and Hagrid stops us.

"Oh, 'ello. I don't wish to be rude, but I'm in no fit state to entertain today." Hagrid replies.

"We know about the Philosopher's Stone!" We all reply.

"Oh." Hagrid answers.

"Snape's trying to steal the stone." Harry says.

"Snape? Blimey, you're still on about him, are you?" Hagrid answers.

"Hagrid! We know he's after the Stone we just don't know why!"

"Snape is one of the teachers protecting the Stone! He's not about to steal it." Hagrid argues.

"Snape is good, he's not wanting the stone!" I fight.

"What?Wait a minute! One of the teachers?" Harry questions.

"Of course! There are other things defending the Stone, aren't there? Spells, enchantments?" Hermione figures out.

"Right. Waste of bloody time if you ask me. Ain't no one gonna get past Fluffy. Ain't a soul knows how, except me and Dumbledore. I shouldn't have told you that. I should not have told you that." Hagrid continues. Then we look over at something on Hagrid's desk.

"I know what that is! But Hagrid how did you get one?" Ron shouts

"I won it! Off a stranger I met at the pub. Seemed quite glad to be rid of it, as a matter of fact." Hagrid exclaims.

"That's not just a dragon! That's a Norwegian Ridgeback! My brother Charlie works with these in Romania." Ron tells us. Then we look out the door and Draco's head suddenly ducks to hide himself.

"Malfoy." Harry snarls as we walk out of the hut. It seems like Draco already went back to the common room.

"It's crazy! And worse Malfoy knows."

"I don't understand. Is that bad?" Hermione asks.

"No!" I reply while Harry and Ron say yes. We walk back into the castle and go to our common rooms and go to bed. I catch Draco on my way to my room.

"Thank you, for not telling on us." I smile to him. He looks at me wearing my snake pin he gave me. He smiles slightly.

"Don't mention it." We part and go to our dorms. The next morning after some classes, I go to the Great Hall for lunch. I sit with Ron, Hermione, and Harry. Harry tells us how later we need to send Norbert the dragon off to Romania with Charlie. Turns out Ron got bit by Norbert, and the bite was not looking good.

"Ron you need to get that checked out." Hermione says. Ron huffs.

"Don't worry Ron, I'll walk you to see Madam Pomfrey." I say pulling him up. "Come on Ronald." We both get up and start walking towards the hospital wing. "Thank you for your Christmas gift, I really liked it." I smile to him.

"Thanks for yours too, but you really didn't have too." Ron sulks a bit. I shrug.

"What are friends for, I had to pay you back for not giving up on a snake." I joke to him. He smiles back at me but scrunches his face at my snake pin.

"When did you get that Y/n?" He asks me. I look down at my pin.

"Oh, um Christmas gift from Draco." I reply.

"Malfoy bought you that?" Ron says shocked. "Well I guess that's what you get when you put to rich families together." He sasses.

"Ronald!" I shout angrily. "Here, go tell Madam Pomfrey, I'll see you later." I say to Ron, dropping him off in the Hospital Wing. Suddenly Fred comes up to me, surprising me from behind.

"Hello there snake." He smiles and I laugh back.

"Fred? Where's your partner in crime?" I ask.

"Oh Georgie is in the Hospital Wing." He casually adds.

"I won't ask why." I chuckle.

"Where are you going?" He pries.

"Back to the Great Hall, just dropped off your brother."

"Ahh pickle Ronniekins in for it." He says as he starts walking me back. We talk about things like Quidditch and how he was hurt he didn't get a Christmas gift. He says he wants to steal Rons and buy all the candy for himself. Once we end up back in the great hall we depart. Harry runs up to me.

"Y/n. We have to go tonight, Hagrid just told me, but we will be using my invisibility cloak. " I smile brightly.

"Yes I can't wait! I've been wanting to use it for so long." I add as Hermione runs to us. "You're coming too?" I tease.

"Of course why wouldn't I?" She asks.

"Well, we're breaking a ton of school rules." I joke and she pouts.

"That's why I have to keep you two in line." She huffs, sticking her nose up and we all start laughing. I follow them to their common room to prepare for the night. We are finishing up our homework, and I am getting many dirty looks. Hermione and I help Harry with most subjects. I can hear people whispering about me from afar when two voices shout in the room.

"If anyone has a problem with the good snake-" Fred starts

"You can take it up with us-" George continues.

"And our bludgers." Fred finishes as everyone shuts up. I smile up at them and mouth 'Thank you'. Those pranksters are pretty good. As night approaches we prepare for the excursion. We head out under the cloak, trying to make our way to the Astronomy tower. After we give Norbert to Charlie and company, we begin to head down the stairs but of course, we run into Filch. I hide the invisibility cloak behind my back so he couldn't see it. He escorts us to McGonagall's office where we find Draco. I give him a confused look. Neville is also there, getting punished with us.

"Good evening. Nothing I repeat nothing gives a student the right to walk about the school at night. Therefore as punishment for your actions, 50 points will be taken." McGonagall explains

"50!" Harry shouts as our mouths drop.

"Each. And to ensure that it doesn't happen again all four of you will receive detention."

"Excuse me professor. Perhaps I heard you wrong. I thought you said the four of us." Draco looks worried,.

"No you heard me correctly Mr. Malfoy. You see, honorable as your intentions were you too were out of bed after hours. You will join you classmates in detention." Draco's mouth drops and I realize that he followed us, trying to get us caught. "We will figure out your assignment tomorrow, but for tonight , head back to your common rooms and get some sleep. We walk off, once Draco and I part from the others I decide to speak.

"What were you thinking?" I ask him.

"What were you thinking? Going on adventures with Potter and Granger." He snarls.

"They are my friends and I help them." I proudly say. "Why do you have a problem with that?"

"I, I don't. It just seems like you'd rather spend time with them than me." He says, looking down.

"Draco you're my friend too okay. We're practically family now. Goodnight." I finish as I walk off to my bed and lay down. Ugh, detention tomorrow."

Snakes and Lions (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now