1.3 Harry Potter

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~Y/n POV~

Our families enter Eeylops Owl Emporium. Lucius and my dad walk inside first, greeting the owner.

"Hello, we need two great owls for our children." My dad begins.

"Ye-Yes of course Mr. Opes, Mr. Malfoy. I have the two in the back. Eurasian Eagle Owls. Very magnificent creatures. Their immense size will display power." The owner replies. Lucius nods his head as the owner goes to get us the owls. They return and he begins to speak to us.

"I don't usually sell these sir, only to important customers." Lucius looks at the price tag and his eyes widen a bit.

"This better be the best owl in London if you expect me to pay this price." Lucius says as he hands the price tag to my father. I look, and the price is double the most expensive owl in the store. He puts the owls in cages looks to Draco and I.

"These owls are brothers, make sure to treat them well." I nod and Draco scoffs as we walk away with our owls. A few things I have noticed about Draco are that he is very confusing, and he thinks he's entitled. Sometimes he is very nice and humble but when we get around others he has to act better than everyone. Maybe he is just under a lot of pressure to make his father proud. My thoughts draw out when I see a magnificent ice cream shop.

"Mom! Can we go to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour?" I ask hoping she says yes.

"Of course sweetie, come on everyone let's go." Narcissa and my mother lead us into the shop when my dad stops.

"Lyra dear, Lucius and I have some business to attend to in Borgin and Burkes, we will return and then we can head home." My mom nods her head as we enter the ice cream shop. Draco asks for Death By Chocolate and I want Smore's. Our moms begin talking again so I have to talk to Draco.

"So, do you know anyone else going to Hogwarts?" I actually need this sort of information.

"Yeah, I do. Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise, and a girl named Pansy Parkinson. I can introduce you, these people are some of the better of the wizard world." Draco says.

"That would be great, I'll need all the friends I can get." I chuckle.

"You? Need friends? Everyone at Hogwarts will know you Opes." He looks around and beckons me to come closer to him. He starts to whisper "Rumor has it, you have some special powers that people haven't seen in a long time." I begin to laugh hysterically at his statement.

"Me, have special powers? I think I'd know if I did." I reply and Draco shrugs. I figure I can ask my parents later. We finish our ice cream and I ask my mom if I can check on my owl outside. I walk outside the store and look at both owls to figure out which one is mine. I see the one with the whiter feather and immediately know its Fassy.

"Fassy, hey boy." He chirps at me while I feed him a treat. I turn around to go back inside when I run into someone. "Oh my bad." I say as we both fall. I look up at a scruffy looking boy. He has black hair and round glasses.

"It's alright." He replies.

"Shopping for Hogwarts?" I ask him, seeing his snowy owl.

"Yeah, you?" He inquires.

"Yeah." I hold out my hand. "I'm Y/n, Y/n Opes." He shakes it.

"Harry Potter." He replies and my eyes widen a bit. "You were in Madam Malkin's right? With the blonde boy?" He seems to have taken a dislike to Draco and seems to judge that I was with him.

"Yeah, Draco and I are family friends. I apologize if he said something you didn't like." I chuckle.

"You okay?" He asks back.

"Oh, yes sorry, it's just, I know you are." I look down embarrassed.

"People in America know me?" He asks back, obviously recognizing my accent.

"Oh, my parents went to Hogwarts. They moved to America to have me, when Voldemort was here." I reply and some huge man behind me gasps. He is very tall, a bit bigger and has a big brown beard.

"You-Know-Who." He states, I clearly forgot that people here do not like to say his name. He looks at me and quickly recognizes who I am. "I'm sorry miss, didn't mean to disrespect." I tell him it's okay. My parents don't mind. They aren't afraid of him. I bid them goodbye and start to walk back into the store.

"Maybe I'll see you at the platform Harry."

"Goodbye, Y/n." He replies and then I hear him talk to the man. "Did you know her Hagrid?"

"Y/n Opes is the daughter of two very rich, powerful people. She's related to Merlin, and said to 'ave a power that even wizards can't imagine." Hagrid states and Harry looks scared.

"Don't worry 'arry. Them folks are good people, unlike the others." I walk back into the store and sit down with my mother.

"Cissy, we can flop back to your place then return to ours, there is no reason for your family to make the extra trip again." My mom states.

"If you wish Lyra, but I will have Dobby put some tea on so you can have refreshments before you leave." Narcissa walks over to the door and opens it. "Lucius, Canis, we should be on our way." She explains everything to them. We go back into the Leaky Cauldron. We all take the floor powder and say "Malfoy Manor." We all arrive at their house and my father does a spell to clean us off. There house is darker than mine, a bit smaller but that is not the weird thing. Everything seems so dead and lifeless, like Draco is deprived of joy. We follow the Malfoy's to their dining room and sit down for some tea. A house elf named Dobby serves us.

"Thank you Dobby." I whisper down to him.

"Ms. Opes is grateful of Dobby?" He questions.

"Yes of course I-" I am cut off by Lucius.

"Dobby, go clean the living room." Dobby leaves us to follow his order. During the tea everyone begins talking and we end when the day is over. We walk to the fireplace to return to our house.

"Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy. I'll see you at school Draco." Everyone else bids ado.

"It was nice to meet you Y/n." They say as we are transported back to our house. It has been quite a busy day. I am so exhausted, I think I'll ask my parents about my so called powers tomorrow.

Snakes and Lions (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now