1.8 Halloween

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The next morning I searched the Great Hall for Harry and Ron. I found them at the table talking.

"You guys. I didn't know it was a trap I'm so sorry. Draco told me but I could leave the common room."
Did you get in trouble?" I frantically ask.

"Woah there Y/n take a breath." Harry laughed. "But something quite interesting happened."

"What?" I ask.

"You can't tell anyone."

"Okay. I'll pinky swear." We pinky swear and he begins to tell me about the three headed dog, a trap door, and his trip to Gringotts. I hang onto every word while Hermione could care less.

"We have to figure this out." I say gleefully. Suddenly a package drops in front of Harry. He reads the note then shows it to Ron. Ron and Harry look skeptical.

"Fine..." Ron says shoving me the note. McGonagall got Harry a Nimbus 2000! But she asked him to open it away from everyone so the team wouldn't expect them. The three of us run out into the hallway to look at the broom.

"I've never even touched one." Ron adds. Draco then came up with his goons and grabbed the package.

"A broomstick? It's illegal for first years to have them. You'll be in for it this time Potter." He sneers proudly. Ron looks like he could explode.

"That's not any old broomstick, that's a Nimbus 2000. What were you saying you had at home Malfoy? A Comet 260? Comets are flashy but they aren't even in the same league as the Nimbus." Ron and Harry smile.

"What do you know about it Weasley, you can't afford half the handle." Malfoy snaps. "I bet your family would have to save up twig by twig." Despite how mean that is, I still can't help but admit that Draco is a clever savage. I have to interject.

"Sorry to spoil the surprise boys, but Draco is getting a Nimbus 2000 for Christmas. Way to ruin my gift to him." Draco lights up and walks away with Crabbe and Goyle.

"Why would you stick up for...him?" Harry asks.

"Because he is my friend whether you like it or not. And Ron, when you need your first broomstick, I'll buy you one as well." I huff and begin to walk away from them. I see Hermione and try to wave, I haven't talked to her much and I feel bad. She ignores me like she is to Harry and Ron. "Come on Hermione you can't ignore me by association." I yell. She keeps walking so I go back to the common room and work on homework.

-Time Skip-

It is Halloween! So far the day has been pretty fun, Draco and I share the abnormal amount of treats from our parents, then we head off to charms class.

"One of a wizard's most rudimental skill is levitation or the ability to make objects fly. Do you all have your feathers? Good. Now don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing. Hum! The "Swish and Flick". Everyone, the "Swish and Flick". Good! Oh and annunciate! Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go then!" Flitwick announces. He partners us up. I look over, Harry is with Seamus, Ron is with Hermione, and I am with Draco. Ron must be enjoying this. We all look to our feathers and begin the incantation. Flitwick gives 5 points to Hermione for having hers in the air first. Draco and I are next, earning us each 5 points. After the class is over I walk over to Harry and Ron.

"That was fun!" I squeal.

"Easy for you to say Y/n, you could do it." Harry says disappointed.

"It's LeviosA not Leviosar." She's a nightmare honestly! It's no wonder she hasn't got any friends!" Ron says as Hermione pushes past us, wiping her eyes.

Snakes and Lions (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now