2.7 Accusations

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I sit with the Gryffindors in their common room. Ron turns to us with huge eyes.

"You're a Parselmouth? Why didn't you tell us?" Ron yells.

"I'm a what?" Harry asks.

"You can talk to snakes." Hermione tells him.

"I know. I mean, I accidentally set a python on my cousin Dudley at the zoo once. Uh, once! But, so what? I bet loads of people here can do it." Harry states.

"Harry my mom told me not to tell people for a reason." I point out to him.

"No, they can't. It's not a very common gift, Y/n, Harry. This is bad." Hermione explains.

"What's bad? If I hadn't told that snake not to attack Justin." Harry fights back.

"It's true. He did." I say.

"Oh, that's what you said to it!" Ron sasses.

"You were there! You heard me!" Harry shouts. I get worried for him.

"I heard you speaking Parseltongue. Snake language?" Ron states.

"I spoke a different language? But- I didn't realize I- how can I speak a language without knowing I can?" Harry tries.

"I didn't know I could Harry it's okay." I tell him.

"I don't know, Harry, but it sounded like you were egging the snake on, or something. At least Y/n stopped the snake, it looked like she saved Justin. Harry, listen to me. There's a reason the symbol of Slytherin House is a serpent. Salazar Slytherin was a Parselmouth. He could talk to snakes, too." She tells.

"Exactly! Now the whole school's gonna think you're his great- greatgreat grandson, or something." Ron deduces.

"But I'm not... I can't be." Harry starts then turns to me. "But you, the snake said you were the descendant of Merlin and of the snakes." I turn red.

"It's not me." I shout as they look at me with suspicion.

"He lived a thousand years ago; for all we know, you both could be." She states.

"Hermione I wouldn't hurt you, I'm not prejudice." I try.

"We need to figure out if it's Malfoy, and fast." Harry tells the group.

"Okay well first and foremost we need to study for our classes." Hermione points out.

"Fine we'll go to the study hall." Ron rolls his eyes as we get up with our books and make our way down. We pass many people on our way there who happen to look at us and whisper. Harry seems pretty annoyed, and I am too. He stops and grabs my arm.

"We'll see you back in the common room." He tells Hermione and Ron.

"Yeah, I don't want to deal with-" I say pointing to everyone staring. "That." They nod and leet us leave. We walk back. down the corridor until.

"Blood...I want blood...They all must die. Kill... Kill... Kill! Time to kill." A voice says as Harry and I race down to follow it. When it stops we see Nearly Headless Nick on his side, and black, just floating. Them we look beyond and see Justin.

"Oh no." I start.

"Caught in the act! I'll have you out this time, Potter and Opes. Mark my words." Filch accuses.

"No! Mr. Filch! Y-you- you don't understand!" Harry shouts.

"We didn't do this!" I yell. McGonagall walks up and stands in horror.

"Professor... I swear we didn't!"

"This is out of my hands, Potter." She sighs escorting us to Dumbledore's office. I gulp at how horrified I am. Would we get expelled? Harry and I enter, silent until we don't see Dumbledore. Harry moves over and puts the sorting hat on his head as I look at him with confusion.

"Bee in your bonnet Potter?" It asks him.

"I... I-I was- I was just wondering if you'd put me in the right house." Harry stutters.

"Yes, you were particularly difficult to place. But, I stand by what I said last year-- you would have done well in Slytherin." The hat states as I move over to look at a phoenix. The phoenix looks very ill, and near death. Then it bursts into flames, and falls into ashes.

"Harry? Y/n?" Dumbledore enters and asks.

"Professor! Sir, your bird- there was nothing I could do- he- he just caught fire!" Harry makes me laugh because of how oblivious he is to the wizard world.

"Oh, and about time, too. He's been looking dreadful for days. Pity you had to see him on a burning day. Fawkes is a phoenix, Harry." Dumbledore explains as Harry gives him a questionable look.

"They burst into flame when it is time for them to die, and then they are reborn from the ashes." I tell Harry.

"Ah, fascinating creatures, phoenixes. They can carry immensely heavy loads, and their- their tears have healing powers." He explains again.

"Professor..." I begin. "You don't really believe we did this right?" I ask him.

"It wasn't us we swear!!" Harry yells.

"I do not think it was you two... But I must ask you, is there something you wish to tell me?" Dumbledore asks us as we stand dumbfounded by his statement.

"No Professor, nothing." Harry states as Dumbledore dismisses us. We start to head back to our common rooms.

"I'll see you tomorrow Harry, we'll use the potion for sure." I tell him. "We are just missing one ingredient. A piece of their hair." He looks slightly confused.

"See you tomorrow Y/n. We'll know for sure. I know you didn't do it." He tells me.

"I know it's not you either Harry, but something is very suspicious. You let me know if your scar hurts again okay?" I explain.

"Promise." He says shaking my hand then walking up towards the Gryffindor common room. I make my way down to the dungeon, a little creeped by how dark it is. When I finally make it down I enter my room and plop onto my bed. Everyone else is asleep so I quietly change, and slip into my emerald covers, falling asleep.

Snakes and Lions (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now