3.9 The Hearing

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The next few Quidditch matches went great. Slytherin has won them all so far, it was great to wipe a smug look off of Cho's face when Draco caught the snitch. And it was wonderful to see Draco rub it in Cederic's face, although he didn't need to catch the snitch because I scored 120 of our 160 points at the time. Cederic's father, Amos Diggory, was not to happy about it, but nevertheless, he won't let the fact that his son beat Harry Potter go. Today we were meeting Hagrid to hear how Buckbeak's hearing went, and the other hippogriffs.

"Beautiful day. Gorgeous." Hermione states as we walk outside, it is a very nice day.

"Unless you've been ripped to pieces!" Ron shouts.

"Ripped to pieces? What are you talking about?" Harry questions.

"Oh come on, you're still going on about this?" I sigh. They have been fighting for weeks

"Ronald has lost his rat." Hermione rolls her eyes.

"I haven't lost anything! Your cat killed him!" Ron accuses.

"Rubbish." Hermione argues.

"Harry, you've seen the way that bloodthirsty beast of hers... is always lurking about." Ron taunts. "And Scabbers is gone."

"Well, maybe you should take better care of your pets!" Hermione yells.

"Your cat killed him!" Ron says as we get closer to the hut.

"Can they just stop fighting already." I whisper to Harry.

"At least you're not in the common room with them." He replies and I laugh. We open the door to the hut.

"How did it go, Hagrid? The hearing?" Hermione asks.

"Well, first off, the committee members took turns... talking about why we were there. I got up and did my piece. Said how Buckbeak... wer a good hippogriff, always cleaned his feathers. And then Lucius Malfoy got up. Well, er you can imagine. He said Buckbeak was a deadly and dangerous creature... who would kill you as soon as look at you." Hagrid sobs. I look down feeling a bit guilty about Lucius.

"And then?" Hermione asks.

"And then he asked for the worst, did old Lucius." Hagrid cries.

"They're not sacking you!" Ron shouts.

"No, I'm not sacked. Buckbeak's been sentenced to death!" He wails and we all go wide eyed and run back to our rooms. I sit down in the common room with a lot to think about. The next day we head down to Hagrid's to see him running and crying again.

"What a blubber!" We hear a voice explain from the distance. "Have you ever seen anything quite pathetic?" Draco sneers while his goons follow him. Suddenly Hermione runs up to him, beating all of us. She slaps him right in the face. Everyone just kind of stares back shocked.

"You foul, loathsome evil little cockroach!" Hermione squeals.

"Hermione no!" Ron shouts trying to hold her back. She struggles against him, pulling out her wand.

"Hermione!" I scold. Draco turns to Crabbe and Goyle.

"C'mon." He states, walking away with them following him.

"Harry you better beat them in quidditch. I can't stand if Slytherin wins, they're all heathens." Hermione loathes. I get annoyed and start walking away from them.

"Where are you going?" Harry asks me.

"To go practice with my heathens. I want to win my quidditch cup." I sass then begin running away. "Draco! Wait up!" I shout. They wait until I get up to them.

"Care to join us?" Draco asks me.

"Please." I beg and follow them. "We have to win the match Draco." I state as we are walking.

"I know, I'm under a lot of pressure." He sighs once we get back to the common room. I send Crabbe and Goyle away.

"I am too, we all want to win, it's Slytherin tradition." I chuckle making him smile. "And besides, it would be nice to have Gryffindor not win everything you know?" He grins back.

"Yes. Ever since Potter came, Gryffindor's been the star of the show" Draco sneers.

"It's not his fault." I defend.

"Of course you'd defend him." Draco sasses.

"Draco I'm not doing this again, lets just finish up." I say as we work on some homework. "Cheering charms, are you good at those yet?" I ask him.

"I...maybe?" He answers and throws his book down. "How am I supposed to impress my parents if I can't even do this simple spell." He sighs.

"Draco are you kidding, you're third in the class! That's amazing." I tell him and he rolls his eyes.

"I'm third, not first. Does it not bother you that you aren't even first, behind Granger?" He asks me. I sigh.

"I mean-." He cuts me off.

"I know you're smarter than her, and just naturally a better witch. She practices more than anyone, but you're better." He tells me and I get happier.

"Well I don't want to be the know-it-all all the time." I sigh. "And besides, she wants to say the answers. You're smart too, you just don't put in enough work. If you did study like her, you'd be ahead." I tell him.

"How come you always know what to say?" He teases.

"Maybe because...I'm amazing." I playfully hit his arm.

"Well that's part of it..." He smiles as I blush. Draco makes my heart beat so quickly. "I know I've said this before but you're so different Y/n. You're kind, funny, very smart, yet you're a Slytherin to the bone." I blush at his kind words. "No wonder you have every guy here swooning over you." He chuckles.

"I do not, no guy here is swooning over me." I hit his arm.

"Let's see, Crabbe, Blaise, Ernie MacMillan, Zacharias Smith for sure, to name a few." He states.

"That is not true. So not true Draco." I deny.

"Okay let's move on to Gryffindor. Harry, Fred, Seamus."

"That's bogus." I tell him.

"I've even heard Cederic Diggory finds you interesting." He sasses.

"Draco obviously this is all a lie. And you're one to talk. All the Slytherin girls love you." I snap. We continue this debate but I refuse to tell him how I feel, I mean he doesn't like me, he never brought it up. I am beginning to nod off but continue to try to work. We eventually fall asleep and wake up the next morning to Flint shaking us awake.

I look over and we fell asleep facing opposite directions on the couch, our heads facing each other. I immediately jump up.

"Malfoy, Opes, get up!! We have to warm up in an hour!" He shouts at us as Draco begins to wake up. All of the Slytherins in the common room turn their attention to us and start whispering.

Snakes and Lions (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now