1.10 Christmas

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Christmas morning approaches, and after the long debate between Draco and I, his parents ended up dragging him to our mansion. They stayed in their own rooms in the East Wing. It is Christmas Eve, and I stand looking at the magnificent tree my parents put up before I arrived. The colors are magical.

"Oh, here miss." Avoy says, snapping his fingers and the ornaments come to life.

"Thank you Avoy." I say, standing and looking at the tall tree in front of me. I hear footsteps approach me so I turn around. "Draco, what are you doing."

"Well, I came to drop off my gifts to everyone by the tree. I also wanted to see what you were looking at." He mumbles. I never really see him shy, unless he's saying things his father might not approve of. He places five gifts under the tree. He looks up at me.

"One's for you, one's for your parents, two for my parents, and one for Mel." He laughs as I sit down, still looking at the tree.

"Oh no, not one for Mel." I chuckle, turning to him. "She might be getting a crush on you."

"She's a year younger than us." He replies.

"Yes, but I do remember having small crushes on boys when I was like 9. Obviously never amounted to anything." I add.

"Like who?" He questions.

"American boys from American schools." I return, I now want to change the subject because this is awkward, we are 12. "Don't you like the tree?" I inquire.

"Yes, it's magnificent." He says, his eyes glow at the tree.

"The ornaments are enchanted, Avon made them start to move once he saw I was here. Look, this one is two people ice skating." I reply with glee. He chuckles.

"Did you really get me a Nimbus?" I can tell he wants it so bad.

"You'll find out tomorrow." I throw him some shade.

"Ugh you're no fun." He pouts.

"What happened to 'you're smart, funny, real, and it's refreshing to have someone who doesn't follow my every move'. Now I'm just not fun?" I light heartedly ask.

"Nope, I changed my mind." He jokes.

"Draco, Y/n?" My mother and Aunt Cissy call. "Ahh there you are. We've been looking all over." My mom says.

"Well there is a lot of space to cover." Narcissa jokes. I think that's the first time I have heard her joke, ever. Maybe she does do well around my mom. Her smile quickly fades, like normal. "Draco, off to bed. It's getting late and we have a long day tomorrow." She says and I follow suit.

"Goodnight mom, goodnight Aunt Cissy." I say, hugging my mom and heading to my room.

"Goodnight mother, goodnight Aunt Lyra." Draco says. He walks away from me, heading to sleep. The next morning would be a wonderful Christmas.

The next morning begins quickly. I hop out of bed in her Christmas pjs, just like her sister. I go downstairs to meet her parents and the Malfoy's. Draco is wearing a set of emerald green silk pajamas. Her parents greet her and they all sit down at the table. Mel is practically jumping out of her seat.

"Call down Melis, we will be with the presents soon enough." My father says. We sit down and eat our Christmas breakfast. Avoy, our main house elf, and the two other helpers cooked our meal. It's wonderful, eggs, bacon, sausages. I even get a biscuit to put with honey.

"You really are American." Draco whispers across the table and I can't help but laugh.

"Have you ever tried a biscuit?" I implore him.

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