1.13 The Stone

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I walk up to the Gryffindor common room and knock on it to get Harry, Ron, and Hermione out. It took them longer to get out but they finally came, everyone getting under the cloak.

"What took you so long?" I ask them.

"Let's just say Neville is a bit stuck." Ron says as we continue towards the forbidden door. We all quiet down as Peeve's starts to make a commotion. Harry is quick on his feet, pretending to be the Bloody Baron. We pass Peeve's and make our way to the door with the flute. We open the door to find Fluffy asleep. We enter, all surprised to see a harp resting under its paw. We enter and quickly make our way under the trap door. We land in Devil's Snare. Hermione starts to panic as the grip of the plant tightens around us all.

"Ahh what do we do? We're going to die!" Hermione pleas as Ron calms her down. Luckily Hermione found a place to get away from the snare, sending light our way to free us all. We head towards another room, opening it to find many flying keys.

"What is that?" Harry asks us.

"Curious, I've never seen birds like these." Hermione ponders.

"They're not birds they're keys. And I bet one of then fits that door." I reply

"What's this all about?" Hermione questions.

"I don't know. Strange." Harry replies

"Alohomora! Well, it was worth a try." Ron shrugs.

"What are we going to do? There must be a thousand keys up there!" Hermione states.

"We're looking for a big old fashioned one. Probably rusty like the handle."

"There! I see it! The one with the broken wing!" Harry shouts and points.

"What's wrong Harry?" I ask him.

"It is too simple." He replies, very pensive. We all hop on the brooms and make our way to the key, Harry gets it ,naturally, and we all quickly exit the door before the keys can get us. We all land on top of each other. I quickly get up and make my way forward.  I see a tiled floor with statues all over.

"Are we in a graveyard?" Hermione asks.

"No, it's a chessboard." Ron gulps. "We have to play.  All right, Harry, you take the empty bishop's square. Hermione you'll be the queen-side castle. Y/n, you can take the queen. As for me, I'll be a knight." Ron says as we begin to play. Pieces are moving everywhere as I calculate what's going on.

"Wait a minute." Harry and I say at the same time.

"You understand right. Once I make my move the queen will take me. Then you're free to check the king." Ron tells us

"No. Ron no!" Harry shouts.

"What is it?" Hermione asks.

"He is going to sacrifice himself!" Harry yells to us.

"No you can't! There must be another way!" Hermione yells.

"Yes." I say, everyone giving me confused looks. "Ron has to do this so we can go on." I sigh.

"Knight to H-3. Check-" He begins as a piece goes up to him and knocks the horse over. Ron falls down, unconscious. Hermione tries to move but Harry yells at her.

"Checkmate!" Harry screams. The king falls down and we rush over to Ron. I check his pulse.

"He's alive. We have to keep moving." I say dragging them up. They reluctantly leave Ron and follow me. The next room we get into is a room full of potions and a riddle.

"How can you not care about Ron?" Harry asks me, annoyed.

"It's not that Harry, Y/n is just putting the goal first right now." Hermione shows him.

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