4.21 The Truth

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Harry and I remain crying over Cedric. The boy who was too young, and he's the only physical representation of my parents right now too.

"Harry! Y/n!" Dumbledore tries to pry Harry and I from Cedric's body. "Tell me what happened!" Dumbledore begs us as we finally look at him. My eyes are all red and puffy.

"He's back, he's back! Voldemort's back. Cedric, he asked me to bring his body back. I couldn't leave him, not there. Y/n, Y/n, her..." Harry wails as I grip his hand.

"My parents are dead." My lip quivers.

"It's alright Harry. It's alright, he's
home, and you both are." Dumbledore puts his hand on our shoulders. "Y/n, I—I'm so sorry."

"Keep everybody in their seats. A boy has just been killed. The body must be moved Dumbledore, there are... too many people." Fudge runs into the crowd.

"Let me through! That's my son! My boy!" Amos pushes through all of the people starting to crowd to get to Cedric. Harry and I stay off to the side, hand in hand. Amos breaks down wailing. The crowd look on distraught, many students begin to cry as the realization sets in. Harry squeezes my hand.

Draco runs over and hugs me. He holds me tightly, but I only half heartedly wrap one arm around him. My eyes seem to be dead towards Draco. I see him, even though I know it's him, I see Lucius. I can't seem to find comfort in him the same way.

"Draco, please don't."

"What's the matter?" He asks me. "You seem scared of me."

"I'm sorry, I just can't." I inch closer to Harry. He takes a moment to squeeze my hand. Nothing romantic, Harry SAW what happened to me. Harry and I just lived through something I'll never get back.

"Potter." Draco spits. "You're seriously being with him right now and not your boyfriend."

"Not now Malfoy." Harry mutters.

"Draco, my parents are...are dead." I say, the tears brewing in my eyes again. His face changed from jealousy to concern and pain.

"What? How?" He asks me. I don't speak, but instead turn and bury my face in Harry's shoulder. He awkwardly tries to rub my back as I cry.

"Just ask your father Malfoy." Harry says, then Draco turns and walks away determined to find his father.

I don't look up from Harry's chest. We can't seem to let go of each other, not now. It feels unsafe to. If I let go of Harry it all becomes real, everything that happened will start to set in.

"Potter, with me." Mad Eye commands.

"But—" he tries.

"Now!" Mad Eye bellows and Harry reluctantly let's go of me and goes with him.

I feel cold now that Harry is gone. Alone. This doesn't last long as I feel a hand on my shoulder, an unfamiliar one.

"Y/n." I look up to see Professor Remus Lupin.

"Professor?" I ask. He pulls me into a brief hug.

"I came to watch, I never imagined—oh Cedric." He puts his arm around me and slowly leads me back towards the castle. A black dog comes over and walks next to us.

"Hey Snuffles." I chuckle a big through my tears. He comes over and licks my hand, so I pet him. We see more teachers rush past us, McGonagall, Snape, and Dumbledore.

"Have you seen Harry?" Dumbledore asks me.

"He uh he left with Moody." I respond. Dumbledore's eyes widen. "Stay with her Remus." He says as they keep heading towards the castle. Professor Lupin pushes me into the forest, and Sirius transforms back to his human self.

Snakes and Lions (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now