4.20 The Third Task

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~long emotional chapter ahead~

Music is playing and a large crowd is gathered. The champions emerge, we all have jerseys on, with colors of our houses.

Dumbledore clears his throat. "Earlier today Professor Moody placed the tri-wizards cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now as Mr Diggory..." The crowd cheer on hearing his name. "Ms Opes, and Mr Potter tied for first
position they will be the first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr Krum..." The bulgarian crowd goes nuts.

I gulp nervously and look at Harry. He reciprocates the same unease. I look at the crowd, searching for Draco. I see him and he smiles at me. I shoot Draco a wink, signaling him to throw my tracking pin in the air as I accio it into my hand. I know it's illegal to have, but I just have this knot in my stomach that won't go away. The same one that was there with Quirrel. The same one that was in the Chamber.

"The first person to touch the cup will be the winner. I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter, if at any point should a contestant wish to withdraw from the task he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants, gather round." Dumbledore announces, then pulls us closer to him. "In the maze you'll find not dragons or creatures of the deep. Instead you'll face something more challenging. You see, people change in the maze. Oh find the cup if you can, but be very weary you could just lose yourselves along the way." He says, inciting fear in us all.

"Champions! Prepare yourselves." Mad-Eye grins. I send a smile to my mother.

"On the count of three... ONE..." Dumbledore counts but the cannon goes off. Harry, Cedric and I enter the maze from different locations.

Heavy mist clouds my view. The sound of the trumpets blaring slowly fades as I get deeper into the maze.

"Lumos." I mutter and my wand illuminates the path before me. I quickly follow the walls, trying to search for anything resembling the cup. I frantically walk, honestly I have no idea where to start. I hear a scream, and carefully walk towards it. I run into Harry running away. He grabs my hand and pulls me with him.

"Harry?!" I furrow my brows.

"It's Krum, come on." We run with no destination through the maze. We stop as we near someone else.

"Get down!" Cedric shouts. We duck and Viktor gets zapped by Cedric. Cedric runs up and kicks the wand out of Viktor's hand. He points his wand at Viktor's body as if to finish him off, Harry runs up and intervenes.

"No stop! He's bewitched Cedric." Harry shouts as I try to drag him away. We all struggle with each other.

"Get off me!" Cedric shouts.

"Calm down." I roll my eyes.

"He's bewitched!" Harry shoves him. We eventually brush ourselves off and look at the cup at the end of the path, glistening before us. We begin running towards the cup. The undergrowth grabs Cedric and he falls to the ground. Harry and I look back. Cedric is pinned down with no means of escape.

"Harry! Y/n!" Harry and I stay still for a moment. I look at the cup, Harry and I could win together. Harry zaps the plantlife and Cedric wriggles free. Harry helps him up as I awkwardly.

"You know for a moment there I thought you were gonna let it get me." Cedric laughs.

"For a moment so did I." Harry looks at the ground.

"I—I'm sorry Ced." I look into his eyes.

"Some game huh?" Cedric smiles.

"Some game." I sigh. The wind starts blowing again.

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