4.12 Will You Attend

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Over the next few days the buzz of the Yule Ball overtook everyone. I, unfortunately, haven't been asked by anyone, well anyone I'd want to go with. Theodore Nott asked me the other day, and I politely declined. Ernie McMillan also approached me, but he couldn't get the words out right so I pretended like I couldn't hear. In reality, I want Harry or Draco to ask me. Whoever does first. I skip over to Harry and Ron as they look puzzled.

"Why do they always have to travel in packs? How are you supposed to get one alone to ask them..." Harry sighs as I run up and put my arms around their shoulders.

"Hello boys." I smile, but Ron ignores my greetings.

"Blimey Harry, you slayed dragons. If you can't get a date who can?" Ron asks very confused and scared.

"I think I'd take the dragon right now." Harry mutters as we start walking, I take my arms down and walk in between them. A group of Ravenclaws girls turns and looks at us, they give me an icy glare for being with Harry; the boys seem to think it's for them staring.

"Harry are you kidding, I've heard you've been asked by three GIRLS already. That's a crazy number, especially since girls usually are the ones who want to be asked. Why'd you turn them down?" I ask wondering, hoping he might ask me instead.

"I dunno, it just came out before I had time to process. I guess I'm just waiting to ask someone...special." He sighs. I look at him, being hopeful now that he means me. We walk to meet Hermione at the black lake, she's doing homework. We continue to talk about the ball and Ron gets confused per usual.

"Oi! Y/n, you've been asked by loads of boys. Why haven't you said yes?" He asks me. Harry looks at me too, I'm not sure if he's curious for a certain reason, or just curious.

"I guess, like Harry, I want some certain person to ask my Ronald." I explain to them.

"Who? Cedric?" Ron asks with a tone and I genuinely bust out in laughter.

"Cedric? Cedric is my friend Ron. Just because he's older and hot doesn't mean I just automatically fall for him like every other girl." I cackle. Once we reach Hermione we sit down next to her.

"Hey Mione." I say, plopping down against a tree.

"Hello guys." She looks up from her book. Suddenly we all hear a lot of giggling, and turn to see Krum training, on a run. Girls are flocking behind him, but Krum doesn't seem to care, until he turns our way and glances towards Hermione. Hermione smiles shyly and looks down towards her book. "Who's hungry?" She asks, standing and closing her book, and placing it in her backpack.

"I am." Ron raises his hand and we chuckle, getting up and walking behind them back towards the Great Hall for food. Ron and Hermione walk ahead of Harry and I.

"Find anything about the egg?" He asks me.

"Still no." I sigh. "You?"

"No." He shakes his head.

"Well hopefully we aren't the only ones, I can ask Cedric sometime soon if you'd like." I tell Harry and he nods. Once we end up in the Great Hall we all sit to have some lunch. I sit next to Hermione and across from Harry. Harry and Ron begin talking about who knows what while Hermione pulls me close and whispers.

"I've been asked to the ball!" She excitedly whispers. I pull away and gasp quietly as she grins.

"Really? Thats so exciting Hermione! Who?" I whisper excitedly back as she blushes.

"Viktor Krum!" She whispers and I turn to see the boys distracted by someone else.

"That's wonderful Hermione. He's a real catch." I giggle. We look up and Ron and Harry are gone. Weird. "Where'd they go?" I ask Hermione and she shrugs.

Snakes and Lions (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now