4.4 Glory

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I stay with the Malfoy's for about a week, until holiday is over. My mom prefers me too, and my dad can't really do anything about it. Today, however I finally get to see my friends again on the Hogwarts Express. Trunk in my hand, I ride with Lucius and Narcissa as they take us to the platform to see us off.

"Draco, I packed you some nice dress robes now, you better use them well honey." She advises him. "Y/n, your mother will send you a dress soon. Be on the lookout, I know it will be gorgeous." She kisses both of our foreheads.

"Cissy, what's going on? Why will I need a dress?" I ask her.

"You'll know soon enough. Do not tell her Draco, the minister trusted us." Lucius scolds him.

"Yes father." Draco replies as they leave us to board the train.

"Ready?" I ask him.

"Of course." Draco begins to walk with swagger into the train.

"You sure do treat this place like you own it." I chuckle.

"That's because I DO own it. You do too, you should try it sometime." He chuckles, grabbing my hand and leading me with him. My cheeks begin to heat up, then I remember Harry. And Hermione. And Ron.

"Draco, I'm sorry, but I'm going to sit with the lions on the way up, I haven't seen them in a while." I apologize but Draco scoffs.

"Fine, run off then." He turns me away and I give him a look of disdain.

"I'll see you later Draco, have fun with your goons." I snarl then begin to check the compartments until I find the one with all of them. I slide the door open to see these horrifying maroon dress robes.

"Those are...nice." I try to say, deducing that they are Ron's.

"Thanks." Ron mumbles, knowing they look bad. Then everyone pauses what they are doing and look up with glee.

"Y/n!" Hermione shouts and then practically frowns me in a hug. I go over and shake Ron's hand because he's begging difficult. I then go over to hug Harry, but he's acting a bit awkward and doesn't stand up. So I take my usual spot next to Harry and look at him. Noticing the details of his face, his green eyes, dark, now longer hair, and his scar, which in a way is properly beautiful.

"I think I hear Malfoy in the compartment over." Hermione complains, then shuts the door. "He's talking about how he almost went to Durmstag, I wish he went." She huffs and begins to bury herself in the spells book.

"Hermione the year hasn't even started! Take a break!" I joke with her.

"Oh yeah, well I bet you have mastered all of these haven't you?" She spits back. Now is not the time for me to tell the truth. Now is the time for me to lie.

"No, actually, I haven't even looked." I softly reply and her gaze softens, then she shuts the book. "The quidditch was great, guys." I say and Neville enters.

"Is it true you were top box Ron?" He

"For the first and last time in his life." Draco enters the doorway.

"I don't remember asking you to join, Malfoy." Harry cooly says as Draco walks in and grabs Ron's robes.

"Weasley, you weren't thinking of wearing these, were you? I mean - they were very fashionable in about eighteen ninety..." Draco judges Ron's robes. "I suppose you'll want to bring glory to your family name for sure. Or Potter, do you think you could use anymore fame?" Draco taunts.

"What are you talking about Draco?" I ask him and when he looks at me his face softens.

"You'll find out soon enough. Remember Y/n, you can always come sit with us." He offers but I shake my head and he leaves. Ron walks up and slams the door so hard that the glass shatters.

Snakes and Lions (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now